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A diet coke a day?


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Diet coke causes acid erosion in your teeth. Diet coke frustrates me, coke its self is like 56 calories. If you cant bear the thought of that, drink water..


Um, coke is not 56 calories. A can of coke is closer to 150-160, and almost all of it comes from sugar, and all "empty calories" which cause little else but spikes in your insulin levels. A bottle of it of course is bigger, hence even more calories.


Also, regular coke can ALSO cause erosion, due to the sugar and phosphoric acid as well (the phosphoric acid is present in diet coke, but not the sugar). It does not matter which you drink when it comes to your teeth. Both can demineralize if not taken care of.


Just make sure you brush after you drink it. It is when it sits there is causes erosion. This goes for a lot of other things other than Coke though as well.

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My opinion on soda is such: it's bad regardless of whether it's regular or diet, and if I'm drinking something that's bad for me, I might as well enjoy the extra taste that regular soda offers. Of course, moderation is key.


Sparkling water can be a good alternative to soda. It still give you the fizziness, but no calories. If you want more flavor, you can mix it with juice (especially the good-for-you juices like cranberry), varying the mixing ratios depending on your mood.

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Sparkling water can be a good alternative to soda. It still give you the fizziness, but no calories. If you want more flavor, you can mix it with juice (especially the good-for-you juices like cranberry), varying the mixing ratios depending on your mood.


Yeah, Italian Sodas are so good. You can buy syrup made from natural ingredients to mix with perrier.

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Ginger ale soda is also good. Ginger ale helps to calm a troubled stomach and I dont think it is as bad as coke. I've been drinking ginger ale for the last few days since I came down with the stomach flu.


oh yeah, ginger ale cures what ails ya! Do you have Vernors out there, ren? I think it's just a Michigan thing...

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Before I fell pregnant I drank up to TWO LITRES of Diet Coke a day. The Vanilla Diet Coke is delicious.


Haven't had any for weeks now though - except the occasional sip of hubby's.


Funny how I didn't value the damage from the nasties when it was just me, but now I'm growing a person I'm aware that I might be inflicting godknowswhat on it. Diet Coke doesn't sound so great now.


Two to three a week surely isn't so bad, for your average person.

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