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A diet coke a day?


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This is kind of random, but is 1 diet coke a day a big deal? I have heard conflicting things about it. For the most part I drink water, juice, and milk, but I always crave a diet coke at lunch for whatever reason. I recently heard that even that is not healthy and I should give it up, so thought I'd throw it out there. Anyone?

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Regular Coke is not a good option over Diet either, high fructose corn syrup is one of the worst things you can do to your body, it throws insulin levels out of whack. While artificial sweeteners are not great either, neither is the SEVERAL tablespoons of sugar in a regular Coke!


Try drinking something with Splenda, not AS bad. Coke does not use Splenda, but there are many other cola/soft drinks that do if you MUST have a pop now and then! But I would advise trying to limit consumption of either regular or diet soft drinks anyway.

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well for the past few weeks as ive been more serious about my work outs (which always makes me eat better) i have only had 2 diet cokes I think. It's not something I NEED but do crave. Knowing what I know now though it will be easier for me to just avoid it.


I drink a TON of water. I think I refill my poland spring bottle 5-8 times during the work day, and then also drink it at home.


Maybe I'll try to limit myself to 1 a week.

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it throws insulin levels out of whack.



This is coke remember - the one that is the spirit of America, the one with the advert that says "holidays are coming" and the kids look up to Santa like some sort of God.

Well kids, coke is here to rot your teeth and make you diabetic - holidays sure are coming.

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Ah, we don't get that one here texami


That is cool. Yes, it is sugar processed using chlorination.


Our water is chlorinated though too, so I have not really been too concerned, but for some it might be a concern.


Like you hockey, I eat a healthy diet - lots of fruit, veggies, organics, and avoid most processed foods....but I too like a diet PEPSI or Dr Pepper now and then

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raykay, they're not that easy to find here, but i get them on purpose when i find them.


i tend to think that in moderation... even once a day... isn't a big deal if you're healthy. soda of any kind isn't meant to be our only food! all the studies are generally with huge amounts of whatever they are studying, be it artifical sweetner or sugar, so that scientists can get an idea of the possible effects.


i'm gettin thirsty.

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I avoid processed food with the exception of soft drinks, I drink diet all the time, mainly because the local water smells like a swimming pool and that's after its been filtered.


When I'm at my folks, they have a well, I drink water. Its a hard choice, but I've looked at several studies on artificial sweeteners and read the claims of the hazards they cause. I've also know how the testing is done and know that even apples can cause cancer, but that's because they rub a rat 20,000 times a day for weeks, its all a matter of moderation.

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I've also know how the testing is done and know that even apples can cause cancer, but that's because the rub a rat 20,000 times a day for weeks, its all a matter of moderation.


Exactly - moderation. But we do know that apples are better for you than coke, and there is hard evidence that both coke and diet coke are bad for you. So "moderation" in the case of sodas means, maybe 2 per month.

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How do you come by that number though?


I pulled it out of a hat.


But my point was that "moderation" in the case of apples, probably means no more than 2 per day. For coke, moderation might equate to something more like no more than 2 per month.

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