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Should I aks her for a coffee


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I sent her a valentines day card, it was pretty funny I must say ( as I am humorous and awesome) . She sent me back the following.


hey long time no see hey! thanks for the valentines card, just checked my emeails then, i ve been away at kangaroo island all last week. only one i got apart from a chain text, it made me feel special heheheheh. what are u up to this yr? ive got a house - back to finish my 3rd yr of uni hopefully other than that not much happening just got back from 2 months in - BIIIGGG holiday! was awesome. better go now its LUNCH TIME and i am starving!!! keep in touch.


i deleted a bunch of things like locations and names.


Should i invite her for cofee ???


CONSIDERING - I have asked her out before.

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i agree with heloladies. not much to a 'date' hinted in this response. ask her for something innocent like coffee. coffee is good. anything else would seem like you are hounding her to be her bf. she might not like that. i don't see any signs in that response at least.



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I don't know her, but coffee sounds pretty boring in comparison to her BIG trip.

You better come up with a plan. The standard straight-line approach might bore this girl. Maintain contact, tell her some white lies, and figure out a more subtle angle.

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you don't want to ask her on a trip or some outdoor activity. she will think you are crazy. you need something simple like coffee to get to know her much better. if the meeting goes well, you should ask her to lunch or dinner or a movie. outdoor activities? come on guys.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I saw her at a bar, one of my mates told me she was there. Funny thing is I knew she was there before I was even told. I knew before we left that she would be in that bar it is just one of those things.


I don't think it went very well she had her arms folded in my presense she complained about her night, how she is poor and has no job. I admire her for many reasons but I think I have reached the stage where all I can say is maybe in a different life. I think it is because of my own personal failings and laziness that she does not want me. I have never been this way about a girl before and I do not want to ever again. This is completely terrible.


I need to take some of my own advice on this one and simply GET OVER IT. But goddamnit. GOD DAMNIT.

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  • 1 month later...

I think you might be overanalyzing... consider her perspective - what if she is worried about seeming too keen, and is keeping it low key for that reason? And suddenly you disappear? People seem to think that everyone ELSE projects exactly the right messages at the right times to the right people - not always!! What if right now SHE is thinking - "hmm, cute guy, seemed interested, sent a valentines day card, was in touch and I said - hey keep in touch - and when I saw him out I got nervous, folded my arms and talked about how poor I am - and now he's gone... god-damnit!"

Give it a chance at least and don't jump to conclusions. If you attitude right now is already "god damnit!", then for the love of God ask her out for a coffee at least. Or if she seems into outdoor stuff and has no money maybe a hike?? And go from there...

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