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How long is normal to live at home?


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Apologies to the admins if this is in the wrong forum.


Here is my situation in brief:

- Just graduated from post-seconday

- Age 23, 6 months

- Saving up money at job (working full time and doing entrepreneurial stuff on side)

- Want to move out

- don't like the idea of rent, trying to save up money to be more financially independent

- staying at home part of own business plans to build up cash flow

- relationship with parents good - one parent strained a bit about me staying at home, other is happy with it because knows I have good intentions

- intention, move out when 24 and a half or so - maybe close to 25????(ouch, I know)

- live in city where homes are expensive and rent isn't cheap either

- have lived on own three times for a total of close to 2 years


Question, how long is "normal" to live at home - sometimes I feel like I've gone past my limit on staying at home.. I don't want to bother my parents and I want my own freedom, I just don't want to screw myself financially by paying a ton of rent and not being able to pursue dreams through owning own business.


What age do people move out? How long is normal to stay? Am I screwing myself somehow?


Please advice - I need comforting that I am not "weird" for living at home at age 23.

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I'm 23 and stuck back at my fathers place. You're right, it sucks, and makes you feel like you're not an "adult". Unlike you though, I'm not going to take advantage of his place rent free. I plan on moving in 2-3 weeks back to the west coast where I came from.


I think part of growing up, is struggling a little. It's good you have these goals set, and are saving money. I guess if your parents are fine with it, there's not really a problem with it.

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Its not weird at all. Down here in the South its not unusal to have several generations living under the same roof. My family recently moved back together to buy our first house and it is my mom, me, my sis, her husband and my neice. Down here its no big deal.

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It depends on many factors including culture, customs, etc. Here is my personal rule of thumb. If you are done with school for the time being (you might go back but not for at least 5-10 years from now, etc) - then it is very important - if you want a serious relationship leading to marriage - to move out on your own and be independent. It made a world of difference to me when I moved out - surprising what a difference. I moved out at age 28 after grad school. For a man I think it's even more important - from the perspective of desirability to women - to live on your own, not to mention for privacy reasons, etc.


Where I live/am from (major city) most women I know will not date a guy seriously if he is in his 30s and living at home other than temporarily (i.e. because of a family emergency, geographical relocation, etc)


I hear you about not wanting to pay rent but I never "bought" the excuse of "saving money to buy my own place" if the living at home was for more than at most 6 months.


At your age I don't think it's unusual at all. When I was 20 my boyfriend, then 24, moved out when his mother called my parents in the middle of the night looking for their son (he was with me at my parents' house) - that was the last straw . .. .

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stay as long as you can. responsibility and tons of bills sucks. especially if you are single.



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