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Need Feedback on a girl I met in class


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This was in a study group session run by a tutor. I sat next to this girl and asked her what was the subject about last time because I wasn't able to make it that day. She said she thought I was there but she told me anyway, and I made her laugh a few times and throughout the session. She kept talking to me which was good, and even turned to tell me something while touching my shoulder. She mentioned to some other girl that I was funny because of the random comments I made throughout. I don't have a clue if she is single or not, which worries me.


What do you think?

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Well, lets just say she's very inviting for now.


I met girls who do that and they're just being flirtatious. It's quite annoying to find that out since the I had slight interest in her.


Don't invest your emotion in yet, just chat more and observe. If she's the flirtatious type who flirts with everyone, it's better not to go for her.


But if you observed more and it's contrary to what i mentioned, then congratulation!

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This was in a study group session run by a tutor. I sat next to this girl and asked her what was the subject about last time because I wasn't able to make it that day. She said she thought I was there but she told me anyway, and I made her laugh a few times and throughout the session. She kept talking to me which was good, and even turned to tell me something while touching my shoulder. She mentioned to some other girl that I was funny because of the random comments I made throughout. I don't have a clue if she is single or not, which worries me.


What do you think?


I think you started off alright, and next you need to ask her for her number and tell her you'd like to meet up for a cup of coffee or something.

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One thing, a few sessions before this happened, I chatted up another girl, but I didn't feel much of anything between her and me. BUT she happens to be friends with the girl I chatted up last time, and they always come to the sessions together. I'm not sure if this could be a problem, but I'm just kind of anxious to make any outright obvious moves with the friend around, and the other students around too, theres often usually 8-10 that go to these sessions. I'll do maybe something subtle, but I don't know if I can do something that outright. I'll just have to see how it goes.

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One thing, a few sessions before this happened, I chatted up another girl, but I didn't feel much of anything between her and me. BUT she happens to be friends with the girl I chatted up last time, and they always come to the sessions together. I'm not sure if this could be a problem, but I'm just kind of anxious to make any outright obvious moves with the friend around, and the other students around too, theres often usually 8-10 that go to these sessions. I'll do maybe something subtle, but I don't know if I can do something that outright. I'll just have to see how it goes.


Hey man good for you. Ask her out right away. It sounds like there's potential.


Just believe in yourself and you'll do fine. It sounds like you have some good game. This time start to focus on her and not the class. Flirt, tease that stuff then ask her to go with you after class.


Good luck.

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I saw her again and chatted as usual. I'm not sure about her, I tried being observant and just doing the talking to her. I didn't ask if she was single. I felt that it was too personal to ask. She did touch her foot against my leg and poked me with her pen to get my attention during the session. At the end of the session, I tried asking her for her number, but her phone went off and she answered. The only thing I got to I ask her was if she would be coming Sunday, and she just nodded while she was on the phone. I just walked away because I felt it right to do since she was on the phone. I didn't even say bye. I was just going with my gut feeling there.


I sure hope it isn't her boyfriend that was on the phone. She did have a few rings on her wedding ring finger, but I'm sure she isn't married.


What do you think? I have a bad feeling about this.

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Ask her about the rings ask if she is married, good to find out


Don't ask her this, you need to get that number first. Girls will tell you when they get the idea that you're into them if they are in a relationship or not. Even in regular conversation they will mention their BF if they have one.


There is nevr a need to ask her relationship status because she will tell you if she's taken.


Sunday you have to start flirting w/ her and tease her. Don't insult her mind you be playful and fun. Get her to giggle at herself and say things like "I am not!" Maybe she'll slug you on the arm. (these things mean she's open to advancement)


If you achieve this you will see her reacting to you in a good way. If you are sure she is having fun talking to you go for the close.


I would say something like, "We are having too much fun. We must get together outside of here. Any Ideas?" She may suggest something or give you her # so you can set up something later. If she can't think of anything have a suggestion ready like meeting at a coffee shop. Before I turned 21 that was my favorite 1st date activity.


Let me know what happens on Monday. Good luck!

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Why not? Heaps of guys have asked me if i was taken, and i would just tell them yes or no, it didnt make me think any differently about them at all, just that i knew they were interested to get to know me abit more, and i have dated one of those guys befor, and the rest we were just great friends with no feelings for eachother

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Why not? Heaps of guys have asked me if i was taken, and i would just tell them yes or no, it didnt make me think any differently about them at all, just that i knew they were interested to get to know me abit more, and i have dated one of those guys befor, and the rest we were just great friends with no feelings for eachother


He can if he wants I just find it futile. Saying something like that shows that he is interested firmly. Obviously, he want to show some interest but, he also wants her to know that he's trying to find out if she's worth his time. You want to go into a first date w/ the girl somewhat in the dark about your interest, but your intentions of qualifying her to see if she's relationship material is known.


During that first date these things can be achieved.


I'm just saying in most cases the girl will tell you if she is in a relationship or not. To be honest the fact that she hasn't mentioned anything about one is a good sign.

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i would just ask for the number. if you ask if she is in a relationship, her saying yes or no really tells you nothing. yes could be, "i am but not happy and stuck with a jerk." no could also be, "i am, but you are cuter and i won't tell him unless he finds out." ask for the number and ask something simple to do like get coffee. you can talk about some annoying person in your class or something. that will bring you closer together. the whole pen on the hand and nudges mean something man. don't lose your chance.



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One thing, a few sessions before this happened, I chatted up another girl, but I didn't feel much of anything between her and me. BUT she happens to be friends with the girl I chatted up last time, and they always come to the sessions together. I'm not sure if this could be a problem, but I'm just kind of anxious to make any outright obvious moves with the friend around, and the other students around too, theres often usually 8-10 that go to these sessions. I'll do maybe something subtle, but I don't know if I can do something that outright. I'll just have to see how it goes.



Why would that be a problem? Did you ask the other girl out or did you just converse? Conversing with a lot of girls isn't usually a hinderence, but if you're hitting on everything in sight, that may limit you with some girls, but help you with others.

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She has a boyfriend.


Here's how it went. She arived late, and I didn't get to flirt with her during the session. I was determined to get that number and ask her out. After the session was over, I hung around for her and she came with a friend too. I chatted with her about studying a lot and asked her about taking a break for some coffee. She rejected and then I asked "then maybe another time, can I get your number?" Then she says she can't just give out her number because she has a boyfriend, and then I reply you're not allowed to have friends? She says you can get my friend's number, who was on the phone. I said thats cool, catch ya later.

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that's good you got out of there. sorry about the result...her having a bf. sucks. but oh well. you tried. you got shot down. it's all good. good practice. nice friend play line too. nice




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She has a boyfriend.


Here's how it went. She arived late, and I didn't get to flirt with her during the session. I was determined to get that number and ask her out. After the session was over, I hung around for her and she came with a friend too. I chatted with her about studying a lot and asked her about taking a break for some coffee. She rejected and then I asked "then maybe another time, can I get your number?" Then she says she can't just give out her number because she has a boyfriend, and then I reply you're not allowed to have friends? She says you can get my friend's number, who was on the phone. I said thats cool, catch ya later.


Well done bro! That's how it's done! Now you have none of this wondering about her, thinking about her, getting close and hanging out as friends only to fall harder and harder for her, etc. You just made this extremely easy on yourself. You found out that she isn't available and now you can move on and meet other women. Congrats bro!

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