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Legend of the head case EX


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I am in disbelief at the level of insanity that is my ex girlfriend. This girl stabbed me in the back. Cheated on me and left me for some guy that we had talked about that she was hanging out with and whom she must have been a bald faced liar about, did it over the phone, she barely said anything even though I kept my cool (although she was crying a bit), wouldnt answer any questions, never said a word to me after the break, kissed him while we were still together, never gave a real apology or explanation, the whole nine yards, basically pretended like I didnt exist even though she said she was in love with me the week earlier. It put me through a hard hard time to say the least, I felt stupid and hurt for dating someone who ended up being worthless in such an important way.

Now I see her around campus from time to time and basically I prefer to pretend she doesnt exist, because esseintially that is how it feels she has treated me. I just look at her almost through her and give a little smile if I see her. This happened at the gym the other day. Later that day, I am inviting her friend to a party at my place and apparently it was really my ex. I asked who it was and she would not say (ever the coward). apparently, first she was going to write "f**k you" but she deleted it and also told this friend that I was "avoiding" her at the gym. Does anyone else think that this behavoir is absurd?

Never once have I taken a step off of the right path with this situation, I have never stooped to her level. I even silenced people on occasion when they would attack her for my own peace of mind. But, why in Gods name would this girl think that I ever want to take a step towards developing any kind of social interaction with her after so many months and all the crap I have been through without a word from her? Does she not realize that not only do I want to avoid her, I want to pretend that she does not go to this university? This person is so unbelievably selfish and so unbelievably unaware of it (I guess that comes standard) that it blows my mind. I dont know if she thinks that anything will ever be her responsibility, she is simply ever the victim in her mind. I do not desire actual answers to these questions, just general thoughts. Vent over

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Don't buy into her games. Avoid her at all costs. You see her on your way to class? Take another path. You see her at the gym? Go to another gym or don't go when she may be there. Don't give her the time of day. Don't even talk about her. Just ignore the fact she is alive. Go out with another girl...even if it's just as friends. Don't obsess over the @e$j&!!!! She isn't worth it.

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Thanks, it is just annoying because she is telling this to one of our mutual friends. I cant believe she would project her cowardice on to me when she does not even have the guts to bring any closure, I have not even had a conversation in person with this nutcase since she dumped me. I will try and continue ignoring her, but it is just so frustrating when someone is so unbearably selfish that even when they have hurt someone THEY feel bitterness for whatever loss they have experienced in their head.

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