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Anal, miss or hit?


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Okay...i've thought about this part of the sex act and i've tried it....it was just too damn painful!!!!!! I vowed NEVER to attempt using the wrong hole again! But i still wanna try it out! I got the lube....but heck the thing doesnt stretch!!!!!!!!! OK 4 all those that have succeeded....any advise?

I know it could be gud (i think) bit awkard but all in all im sure its a hella of a lota fun!!!

So what i wanna know is what are your veiws on anal sex? is it a miss or a hit?

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If you do it properly, it can be great

you have to take time, a lot of time, make it a night where neither of you have anything to do the next day, beucase you dont want to be thinking "god

i have to be asleep in two hours"


time... lube... and you HAVE to focus on relaxing...

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take your time, if it hurts and you want to stop, stop and try another day, there are different positions that will make your anus more relaxed, laying on your side, or missionary are good for beginners.


use lots of lube.


it took my partner and myself a good 6 months before i could let him do anymore then a couple of thrusts, it was just too painful for me.. but we got there and when we get going it is nice, not for every sex session.. but every once in a while.


get him to start with fingering you, personally my SO will swap from my vagina to my anus to help me relax a little, it's a very odd feeling at first having anything up there, so you need to go slow, if you are both comfortable he can use some tongue.. but yea jsut ease into it as you feel comfortable..

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a male perspective here. none of my girlfriends have let me do it, but i don't think i would want to anyway- apart from the fact you are risking an anal fissure or other complications (i don't want a partner with a colostomy bag), it is dirty and quite degrading to the woman, as it is all about male pleasure.

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1. its not all about the man, there are nervs there that cause pleasure (actualy physicaly a man would enjoy anal penetration even more to then women)


2. its not dirty if the person showers and cleans the area, skin is skin is skin, as long as you keep it clean its all the same.


3. the only way i could see complications coming from it is if the man is to aggresive and isnt listening to his partner




as for the OP


best newbie positions (out of personal expirience) are on your back with your legs in the air and laying on your stomach with your legs closed.


make sure the guy is lubricated and make sure he knows to apply constant pressure (no thrusting at all) for the beginning until both are comfortable with whats going on. make sure not to panic because if you do (from pain for instance) it will cause you to contract which causes most of the pain.


good luck and have fun

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I can never understand it - I have enough trouble "fitting" inside some women sometimes - and I'm not particularly big, just average (maybe it's a "girth" thing or something?) - the thought of trying to shove it up there is like trying to fit an elephant through the eye of a needle. I reckon it would actually hurt me too because of the tightness.

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a male perspective here. none of my girlfriends have let me do it, but i don't think i would want to anyway- apart from the fact you are risking an anal fissure or other complications (i don't want a partner with a colostomy bag), it is dirty and quite degrading to the woman, as it is all about male pleasure.


Its not all about the male

my ex and I got right into it (it was an occasion thing) and it was great

and the anal fissure thing? You have to really be going for it to do that!!! keep it slow and gentle and itll be fine

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Well, it definatley has to be a mutually wanted thing. I don't think its dirty if you are both into it, and its not just all about a guys pleasure. Women can like it too if its done right.

My SO and i don it once in a while just for something fun and different to do. I wouldn't really recommend it on a regular basis.

But to give you some advice, lube it up(a lot) get on top and stradle him, this way you can have more control on the degree of penetration, also this position opens you up more and it will fit in better. go incredibly slow , not thrusting back and forth, just very slowly putting it in until it is comfortable for you. I wouldn't recommend laying on your stomach with him on top, this closes you up and it hurts far more. good luck and have fun with it!

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I've done it twice and never again. We used condoms, lube, took it slow etc. but it was still the most painful thing to ever have happen to my butt hole. I bled for days. Unless you actually crave it and want to do it, I suggest you give anal a miss. It does carry far more risks than vaginal sex, so that is something you need to be aware of.


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excuse me but that page is a complete and utter joke


first of all the vast magority of those health problem would be equely transfered if you had regular sex and in some of those cases just a blow job would be enough to get the disease.


they say anal sex cuases anal cancer?!?! gimme a brake.


the only real risks and when i say real i mean something that has some tiny and remote chanse that something will actualy happen and not something some half assed doctor put down in some medical jurnal because he saw it happening once (wow that was a long rant)


anyway, the only real risks in my opinion is if you put it anywhere else after its been in the anus and also if your to rough compared to how expirienced the recipient is, then you could see bleeding. also if the recipient is stressed it could be very painfull.



my real advice. if your interested in it play it safe and the chanses of something happening to you are close to non.


if you are uncertin about it or dont have a good level of trust with your partner DONT DO IT. dont let ANYONE pressure you into something like this.

could cause a lot of trouble in a relashonship, in very extreme cases it can even cause feelings of abuse in the recipient.

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they say anal sex cuases anal cancer?!?! gimme a brake.


the only real risks and when i say real i mean something that has some tiny and remote chanse that something will actualy happen and not something some half assed doctor put down in some medical jurnal because he saw it happening once (wow that was a long rant)



Anal cancer is rare, but it's most commonly caused by the HPV virus.

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One of the other problems is that condoms have a significantly higher chance of breakages during anal sex. Because males can't be tested for HPV, this isn't something you want to fool around with...well not me anyway.


Good luck and be careful everyone.

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a male perspective here. none of my girlfriends have let me do it, but i don't think i would want to anyway- apart from the fact you are risking an anal fissure or other complications (i don't want a partner with a colostomy bag), it is dirty and quite degrading to the woman, as it is all about male pleasure.


I get pleasure out of it, so it's not just a male thing, and it is only degrading to women if they don't want to participate.. i dont see how it is degrading women when the women wants to do it.


If the trust isnt there tho, you just feel dirty, in my experience anyway


I completely agree with you Eva, if you don't trust your partner then I wouldn't do it, I told myself before my current boyfriend i would never do it, but it just felt ok when he asked if i wanted to try it.. so I did and I am happy I did

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i know that HPV can cause it, but HPV can also cause vaginal cancer, my point is you cant get cancer from anal sex. you have a CHANSE to get cancer if the person your sleeping with has HPV.


on a side note condoms dont neceseraly help against HPV, some of the HPV symptoms can appear in the pubic hair area and all you need is skin to skin contact to contract it.

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the way me and my boyfriend first started out was building it up, for instance he first used just 1 finger and then 2 and then 3 and so on with lube over a couple of weeks until we felt ready to do anal. this way it felt a lot less nervous as i knew, in a way, what it would feel like.


you have to have a lot of trust in the person you are doing it with so that if you feel uncomfortable you can tell them to stop and you are trusting that they will not hurt you.


take it slowly at first and then you can go faster.


when you get used to it it becomes really enjoyable and sometimes i crave for it hahaha. you get different sensations from that area to others so it's a whole new pleasure.


just remember to relax and use lots of lube!

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