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I need to get her something


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Hi Everyone,

My girlfriend is 6 months pregnant and I want to get her something just because I know she has been going through a lot with working all the time to save and hasnt had much time to do any relaxing...I am wondering if I can get some suggestions on something you would appreciate from your Husband or Boyfriend. Something that would make you smile and feel appreciated. Thank you

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Spa Treatmant/Massage.


If you are in a big city there will often be places that specialise in these treatments for pregnant women.


or maybe a house cleaning service. You know, get someone in to spring clean the house (before she starts nesting).

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A foot massage. Hot rock massages are supposed to be very good. If you can't afford a spa pass for her, you could do the massage yourself. Start by drawing a big warm bubble bath where you wash her and have candles and soft music. Wash her back and massage her shoulders, back, arms and such. Then rinse and dry her, wrap her up in a big fuzzy robe and prop her up with pillows on the bed and massage her feet and legs.


Fix a nice dinner with her favorite food and do everything, including the dishes.

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I think I will try the Hot Rock Massage thing. I know my girlfriend has been really wanting one of those little Alpine GPS Navigation units..Do you think she is just saying that because I want one or is that something a lady would really appreciate?


Thank you everyone for your responses

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dont get her a gps unit, geeze, its not romantic at all!!



how about pre-natal yoga classes? I say that becuase my friend went to them and she said they were a godsend, they relaxed her and made all those annoying physical things that come along with pregnancy a lot less severe

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I agree with the spa treatment and the engagement ring. Also, if y'all don't live together, start keeping her place clean, and if you do, take most of the responsibility for keeping your place clean. A big ol' pregnant belly is not easy to clean a toilet around.


Also, let her know as frequently as you can how much you appreciate the fact that she is carrying your child. With your words, with a card, with a special dinner, with some flowers... anything. Rub her feet as often as she'll let you. It was my husband's constant attentiveness and appreciation for carrying his child that meant a lot to me... more than any one big present would have.


Save the GPS unit for her birthday.

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I'm a nerd so the GPS thing would be cool to me, but if I were pregnant I think the massage would be better.



I would think it would be handy, too! HOWEVER, I would recommend doing something NICE for her also (a long foot massage, body message, dinner). A scavenger hunt for a getaway (you could put notes in and around her house with clues). My ex- did this for me and I loved every minute of it.

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Hi Everyone,

My girlfriend is 6 months pregnant and I want to get her something just because I know she has been going through a lot with working all the time to save and hasnt had much time to do any relaxing...I am wondering if I can get some suggestions on something you would appreciate from your Husband or Boyfriend. Something that would make you smile and feel appreciated. Thank you


What a sweet idea! Your girl is very lucky.


Now, I'm going to rip off an idea from another poster, who wanted to get his girlfriend of just two weeks this present. At the time, I said I thought the idea was to extravagant for such a short time knowing her. But I think it's a perfect gift for your situation: a gift certificate to a day spa! She would probably love a day of being indulged.

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Spa Treatmant/Massage.


If you are in a big city there will often be places that specialise in these treatments for pregnant women.


or maybe a house cleaning service. You know, get someone in to spring clean the house (before she starts nesting).


oops, looks like Rich and others beat me to the spa idea, already. The housekeeping service gift is a good one, too!

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That is very nice of you.


I am wondering if I can get some suggestions on something you would appreciate from your Husband or Boyfriend. Something that would make you smile and feel appreciated. Thank you


I definitely agree with the others that a spa treatment/massage is a very good gift. Many places offer a special prenatal massage that targets the areas that expectant moms have the most trouble with.


A good massage makes you feel pampered, relaxed, renewed and you can forget about everything else in the world. Hmmm....I think it's time I book one.


I'm sure it would go over well.


But just the thoughtfulness of your gift alone will go over well, I'm sure.


If you are on a tight budget then some flowers and a massage given by you could also work. I am always grateful when my husband knows my back hurts and tries to help.



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I agree. I just had a pedicure as a xmas present from a girlfriend. At six month, I can barely put my socks on let alone make my toes look and feel pretty! Spa stuff is AWESOME! Pregnant women aren't supposed to get certain things like heat wraps, but get her some sort of package with a sugar body scrub/massage and a pedicure/manicure. She will love it.

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Scarew is right. There are some spa treatments that are not recommended during pregnancy.


* heat wraps as she mentioned


*la stone therapy (where they use hot stones for massage)


*any facial which uses salicylic acid


But most places will be familair with this.


There are many options to choose from at most spas, and some even have services especially designed for moms-to-be.



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