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HA, I just realised something!!

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I was clearing out all my in-boxes and things lat night, and without a second thought I deleted all the sweet little emails I had saved from my ex. I didnt even bat an eyelid.


These emails made me cry when he sent them to me, they made me cry a few months ago... Last night I trashed them, they were as useless to me as the registration emails I deleted from really bad forums.




thats a bit of an epiphiny

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Right after the breakup, I found myself reading and rereading the messages and emails...


A couple of weeks after the breakup, I deleted the vast majority of them, and then cried my eyes out.


Six months later, there are still a few out there in places that I missed, and when I come accross them, I delete them just like I would anything else for the sake of cleaning.


I do hope to start receiving sweet nothings in my inboxes sometime soon though...

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We broke up REALLY well, things didnt turn sour until his new girlfriend came on the scene, you know how girlfriends do that... we were good friends until then.


I dont think the emails made him hard to let go of, I think it was our mutual friends NEVER SHUTTING UP about it to the point of asking me if I thought the new gf was better in bed than me or not, just to get a rise out of me -shakes head- kids can be so cruel

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When the time passes that he cannot contest the divorce anymore, I'll delete those emails and Im conversations saved on my computer. That will be a great day (almost as good as burning the pictures of him!). For now, I feel like I need the ammo in case he decides to contest the divorce (lovely stuff on text like death threats, and a conversation where I am pleading with him to put the knife down and stop threatening to kill himself because I had supper with my family. Geez).

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When the time passes that he cannot contest the divorce anymore, I'll delete those emails and Im conversations saved on my computer. That will be a great day (almost as good as burning the pictures of him!). For now, I feel like I need the ammo in case he decides to contest the divorce (lovely stuff on text like death threats, and a conversation where I am pleading with him to put the knife down and stop threatening to kill himself because I had supper with my family. Geez).



-crosses fingers-

hopefully time flies!!

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I should probably do that aswell but can't yet


I still have emails & MSN conversations from 12 months ago. I also have significant (are they actually that?) text messages on my cell that I have locked so they can't be accidentally deleted. So much so that I have to keep deleting recent texts so I can keep receiving messages. I put it down to the fact that I've always been a hoarder...............perhaps its not.

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I just found videos of us as well, late night in bed ramblings...

I got rid of all of them... it was kinda horrible, Im just looking at him with absolute love... -sigh-


anyways, I found a really cool video which I wil keep, its nice to know there were fun times as well

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I'm one of those instant deleters. Having been dumped by email it was actually the first thing I did - even before tears came, all his emails were gone, from any possible source, texts also. Luckily for me I didn't have too many as my phone is relatively new. He has my old phone, the one that had any messages that would have been too difficult to delete. He said he was going to keep them when I gave him the phone. I often wonder how long it was before he deleted them, or if we were even broken up when he did it.


I just didn't want to give myself the opportunity to go back and read them and decide he couldn't possibly be that bad because of what he said back then. The guy is a complete .


On the plus side, him having my old phone means he gets all the cold calls I used to get *all the time* and every so often various friend and family members ring him thinking it's me. I'd imagine that would get very annoying, very quickly. And I am very glad about that.

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