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School Scenario at Play


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You are a student. You just came to the school 6 months ago and realized that it's not so easy to make friends there and even if you chatted a little, it's mostly about school. You're currently taking 4 courses, have around 3 hours free for yourself to do things. What would you do to enhance your chance to meet more people and not only meet them, but also hang out.

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Invite people out to a study session and get a bite to eat afterwards. When you're having lunch or whatever try and drift the conversation away from school and talk about hobbies, favorite movies, current movies -- which can then transition into, "Hey! I really wanna see that movie! We should go this weekend". It is hard to make friends and hang out outside of school, but push for it and people will start to see you.

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Are there any organizations that you can join? I don't know if you're in college or still in high school, but a lot of college clubs recruit continuously, meaning that you can find out when they meet and just show up. Once you do that, ask how you can get involved, if there's any kind of event coming up that you can help out with. If you throw yourself right there in the middle of things, you'll have no choice but to socialize with people.


Also, try to linger after class a little bit. Strike up a conversation as you're packing up your bag, and then continue as both of you are walking out of the classroom...with any luck, you'll stand in the hallway for a while talking. Once you do that a few times, you should feel more comfortable asking that person to study together or to hang out.

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Got through high school, now in year 2.


Hmm... haven't tried study session yet... good reminder.


I recently joined a club... It's pretty good... but somehow i wasn't able to get them out either. Maybe not yet. But they definitely don't have that "elementary friend" feel to them, which I was hoping for to some extent. The "no i won't judge you if you ever mess up" type of friend.


What other things do people do / have done in campus to meet people?


My school's lectures are not structured in a way that promote socializing. 50 minutes lecture and everyone rushes out immediately and go to the next class.

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