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Apology Letter?

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Does anyone ever get an apology letter from their dumper, or a phone call or anything apologizing for the awful way they treated you?


Our 4 year relationship crumbled after she went into self destruct mode after kissing my roommate. She had an affair and left me after she was comfortable enough with him. She was the sweetest girl in the world, and the last several months stopped caring about me at all. The least she could do is send an apology letter, but I wasn't sure if people actually did that.

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Exactly. They're usually just relieved to get out of the situation.


My guy said to me (post-break-up): I thought it was a nice thing to do. I could've said nothing at all. So obviously he thought he was the furthest thing from 'the lowest common denominator'.


At the time he said he had news that was good and bad. Good for him. Bad for me.


I kid you not. That was how he put it.

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Right after my ex broke up with me, we hung out a couple of times...and he would always hug me and tell me how sorry he was.


A little later he sent me a message saying that he's sorry for hurting me like that...but obviously his apologies didn't make me feel better. The way I see it, if he's so sorry, why did he dump me in the first place? Better to not say anything at all...

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She ended it during counseling, and it was very civil. We went out to eat afterwards, and talked as if nothing was really wrong. On the way to drop her off, I made the statement, "This really doesn't feel right. It's as if nothing happened. It just doesn't feel like the right thing to do. Don't you feel this way?" She responded by saying, "I feel like I have a huge weight lifted off my shoulders." Isn't that sweet!~


As I hugged her goodbye and cried, she acted like nothing was wrong. As if she was saying goodbye to a stranger. That's what hurts the most..................... besides all of the lying, cheating, and betrayal. That stuff all hurts more.

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Well, it sounds like she's relieved.


I know that when I give a cold goodbye it's not always because I hate the person. It's just a way of distancing yourself.


You know when you're little and you say to yourself 'If I ignore it, it will go away' ? Maybe that's how she thinks right now.

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I've never written an apology letter, but then again I have never broken up with anyone.


the closest thing I have received to an apology letter was 3 years after the heartless break up, my ex got my email off my work website, emailed me wanting to be friends

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I know she is just trying to ignore the problems. That's how we got into the mess. She couldn't confront her fear of commitment and her inability to forgive herself for cheating on me. She made up reasons we shouldn't be together, and then cheated on me because she is selfish.


I expect some sort of apology because I treated her like gold. I guess it was my mistake that it it was actually fool's gold.

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