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What to do in this situation (flirting)?


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Hi all,


I was at a coffee shop yesterday with my good friend and this beautiful girl comes in with a friend and sits down two tables in front of me. She's facing me, her friends back is to me. She gives me a quick smile after she sits down and proceeds to talk with her friend and order food. I catch her giving me looks the whole time and her friend at one point turns around to check me out too.


When we're leaving, she stares me in the eyes and smiles while I'm walking the whole way up the aisle and I reciprocate. We're paying the check at the front and I tell my friend I want to hit on her. She says "don't do it, it's tacky".


So ladies here's the question:


1) Is she giving me the go-ahead to speak with her?


2) What do I do / say so I don't look like a creep / jerk?


3) How do I speak to her and ask to contact her when her friend's sitting there? I don't want to be rude to the friend- it seems common courtesy to engage her as well.



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your friend sounded jealous. you should have hit on that chick for sure. opportunity doesn't happen much when it comes to seeing the same chick again and getting another chance.



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Hehe nice with a girl whose perhaps into you. The way I would do it, if I ever get the nerves, is to go straight to her and tell her: "I've been fancing looking at you, and I must say you seem quite gorgeous, so here goes nothing...I know i'm perhaps a little direct, but would you, if you're single that is, like to have dinner with me?"

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Hehe nice with a girl whose perhaps into you. The way I would do it, if I ever get the nerves, is to go straight to her and tell her: "I've been fancing looking at you, and I must say you seem quite gorgeous Don't tell her she's pretty she knows that already, so here goes nothing shows insecurity...I know i'm perhaps a little direct, but would you, if you're single that is don't say that, if she's taken she'll tell you, like to have dinner with me?"


I think that's a little over the top.


I'm a guy but to answer your questions:


1) My god yes man you go talk to her, jeez, that sort of thing doesn't happen all the time.


2) She showed interest nothing you say/do will be perceived as creepy.


3) You can say literately anything it's how you say it. I would defiantly include the friend in the conversation. If she likes you the original girl will too.


It's hard to strike up a convo sometimes in a situation like that, but use things around you and ask her and her friend their opinion on something. In a coffee shop talk about the coffee or something else going on at the time. Make them laugh and tease her playfully. Once you guys are a little familiar with each other tell her you must go and say that it'd be cool if you guys were to hang out again someday. If she interested she'll give you her number, if not push for it a little more.


Once you have her number wait a couple of days call and ask her out.


Your friend is right just going up to a girl and asking her out is tacky, you have to become familiar with her first.

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I agree with most of what you said MushroomGod, except that I don't see any problem with getting details from a girl that you are not familiar with. In this situation I would ask both girls for their numbers . No need to stick around and be familiar. You have all the time to be familiar when you hang out with her.


I wouldn't say anything about 'going out to dinner' to a girl that I had just met.

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I agree with most of what you said MushroomGod, except that I don't see any problem with getting details from a girl that you are not familiar with. In this situation I would ask both girls for their numbers . No need to stick around and be familiar. You have all the time to be familiar when you hang out with her.


I wouldn't say anything about 'going out to dinner' to a girl that I had just met.



Yeah I should have added that 'going out to dinner' isn't great to say either.


I'm not really saying to stick around forever, just a little small talk first to break the ice. You know don't just walk up to her and say, "I have no clue what your name even is, but hell wanna go the local disco w/ me this weekend?"


Just a little small talk so she even remembers you when you call.

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thanks everyone - yeah that confirms it i pretty much knew I had the invite but at the time --- it DID seem tacky to hit on her. I probably should have asked if anyone's joining them, and could I sit with them for a minute ///


Next time - next time.... Oh well, the devil's in the details (small talk).

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thanks everyone - yeah that confirms it i pretty much knew I had the invite but at the time --- it DID seem tacky to hit on her. I probably should have asked if anyone's joining them, and could I sit with them for a minute ///


Next time - next time.... Oh well, the devil's in the details (small talk).


I was thinking about just sitting down next to her and starting a convo.


Don't think of it as hitting on her think of it more like your finding out if she is even dating material. I always say pretty girls are a dime a dozen. It's what inside that counts.


BTW teasing her in a playful way will help her remember you.

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