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Premature Ejactulation. cant figure it out. Please HELP


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I am 20 years old and have been sexually active for 4 years now. I broke up with my girlfriend that i was dating for 3 years about 8 months ago. I never had a problem lasting long with her or any other girls ,but i have been sexually active with a new girl now and sometimes i wont last 2 mins. when we first had sex 3 months back i lasted a good 15 mins. The only thing i can think of why this is happening is because i am stressed cause of school,but also over masterbating because i am away at college and not able to see her. I have heard theres ways to reverse over mastbertaing ,but not sure how to go about it. I found a link that looks to be very good and i took a test online that classified me as a level one. recovery-center.cc Has anyone ever heard or used this site before. Any advice i would appreciate. Thanks

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I tried that a couple times a couple weeks ago when i saw her and it really didnt work. I have stopped masterbating for a week so far because i am not sure what else to do. The site i mentioned in my previous post i might try it. i am not home to go to my local physican. Im not really sure what else i can do. any other suggestions?

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the only thing I can suggest is to clear your mind of all thoughts of orgasm when you are sleeping with her, if you think about it, it will happen to soon.


Just focus on how beautifull she is and how good she feels, if you start to feel that you are coming, tell her and get her to stop (talk to her about it before hand)

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I will try to clear my mind ,but i am not sure if there are any excersises that could help me because i was perfectly fine before and now that i am at college i believe i just masterbated too much since not seeing her. Is their anyway i can REVERSE it?

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I have read on sites that theres ways to reverse the effects of over masterbating. recovery-center.cc is a good site and you can take an online test and it determines what level your at and you can buy some techniques to help you. It seems like a legit site.I just dont see how it can randomly happen to me after all this time and since ive been at college all alone thats why i think masterbating to much is the cause of it.

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actualy if you mastrubate properly (wow that sounds odd) it might actualy improve your performence.


one trick is to mastrubate till you are close to orgasem but stop before you cum, rince and repeat several times (per mastrubation session) and this should improve how long you last.


another technique is to squueze the penis (apply pressure to the tube going along the bottom) relativly hard several seconds before you orgasm. this is another way to delay ejaculation.


a third method to improve your sexual performance is excersising the appropriate muscle, in this case the one you contract when you need to pee but wanna hold it in. contract it to the max for about 10 seconds, then release, repeat this atleast 10 times and repeat the entire proccess atleast twice a day, dosnt take more then 2-3 minuts and you can do it anywhere.

this will also improve the intensity of your orgasm by the way.

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oooo, i forgot to mention * * * * rings


not everyone is into toys but if you are there are lots of variations to these and they will delay orgasm and leave you with a better erection for longer.


one of my favorites is a * * * * ring made out of silicone and shaped like a bunnys head with a little vibrating thingy in it. you can put the head of the toy either above or below your penis (depending on the possion)


my expirience teaches me women LOVE LOVE LOVE this little piece of equiptment

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I have heard of a technique where you have her orally or manually stimulate you. Have a sign for when you feel like you're going to orgasm. (You can tap her or whatever) then she stops and you concentrate on relaxing and try to prevent ejaculation. Then keep doing it. Try to "hold it" a few times each time you do this. You might involuntarily orgasm, but the more you do it, and practice...the better you get at "holding it".

Hope this helps

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IF it is a psychological thing than why do alot of websites say that over masterbating can cause it? I just dont see how it can be a psychological thing when it started. Yeah i have thought about how long i can last when having sex,but i dont see how it got started. Thats why i was asking if i should look into purchasing the excersies/techniques i can do from the recommended website frome menshealthinfo.us since they have such good feedback. Any input? Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

After about 3 1/2 weeks of trying to figure out what is going on. i am still confused on what has happened to me. I still think reason i have not been able to last long is due to over masterbation from these past months. For the past 3 1/2 weeks i have only masterbated twice trying to figure out what could be wrong. I did notice when i did it once i had a few drinks in me and i had no problem going awhile. I m going home in the next few weeks to see my girl and i would like for this not to be a problem anymore. I might just go to my family physican and talk to him. Any input would help


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Yeah, this is probably in your head (no, the other one). One thing I do when I get close and don't want to is think about other stuff. Baseball typically does it for me (i.e. what team will make the Series this year, how will my team do, who will win MVP, etc.). Also, another trick that works for me is when I'm close, I tug on my balls and pull them back away from my penis for a bit. This mild discomfort briefly dampens the sexual sensation and keeps you going.


Finally it might help to talk about it, openly, with your girl. A lot of girls are able to detect when you're close and can slow it down or stop momentarily to let you regain control. She may be willing to help!


Good luck,


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When im home i am most likley going to go to my family physcian. I hear zoloft and those types of meds can help and maybe with me being on them it will help that and also maybe take care of it all being in my head and not worry about it. Back in the previous months i never rushed mastberating but i guess how many times i did it got me. Any ideas on reversing it. like how many dyas a week and working up to climax and taking a break then doing it again?

thanks alot

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