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I was never circumsized as a baby. The other day my girlfriend asked me if I was or not kind of as a joke because it was in front of her family, and I just kind of shrugged it off. She didn't ask me again but I have a feeling she will. Does it really matter in a relationship or not? I want to tell her that I'm not, but it's an uncomfortable topic for me.

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She's the one who should be embarrassed, asking stupid questions like that in front of her family. Some women have a preference one way or the other, but it sounds like she's young so she probably hasn't seen alot of guys to know the difference anyway. Once you two explore each other and she sees what a sexy thing it is to be uncircumcised, she will love it.

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I would let her know that you did not feel comfortable with her asking you that personal question in front of others.


If she truly cares about you, a detail as small as cirumcision should not change the way she feels. If it does, then she is not the one for you.

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I don't really understand why someone would even ask something like that , even as a joke and especially not in front of her family.


In my opinion is wouldn't matter either way in a relationship whether the guy was or was not circumcised. As long as the guy takes care of the hygiene details of not being circumcised it shouldn't be an issue when it comes to sex.

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Don't sweat the circumcision part. Most women will simply take you whatever way you are and it really doesn't matter.


It was quite out of line for her to do what she did. It would kind of be like you asking her in front of her parents if she was still considering that "intimate" piecing. It's just not something one does! I'd talk to her about the situation in general and say you were uncomfortable. If during that talk the subject of you actually being circumcised or not is brought up again, let her know she'll find out when you are comfortable with her knowing and that you don't see it as being an issue whether you are or not.

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I don't really understand why someone would even ask something like that , even as a joke and especially not in front of her family.


Same here.


Anyways, if I was you, I wouldn't worry about it. Are you talking about having sex soon? If you are talking about sex, then maybe let her know. But it won't make any difference now if she's not going to be down there.


If she doesn't want to be with you over it, then it's her loss and you would deserve someone who isn't so shallow about a person you love.

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I was never circumsized as a baby. The other day my girlfriend asked me if I was or not kind of as a joke because it was in front of her family, and I just kind of shrugged it off. She didn't ask me again but I have a feeling she will. Does it really matter in a relationship or not? I want to tell her that I'm not, but it's an uncomfortable topic for me.



why on EARTH would she ask that?


I wouldnt worry about it, uncircumcised is by far preferable, imo...

gotta keep it all natural!!

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She shouldn't ask that in front of family...was she joking around?


I've asked boyfriends this before though...circumcision is supposed to be better for hygiene and it also has a religious attachment for some people (not me). I've known a lot of women friends who had boyfriends that were uncircumcised...they always seemed to have problems when it came to sex! The men get cut down there more easily and they are more sensitive to pain. When they were cut, it was painful for them to have sex...I've known of at least three isolated cases from word of mouth.

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the same amount of smegma still forms and still needs to be washed off.

it doesnt take much to clean... you dont see girls having their labia removed (well, okay, you do, but not outside 3rd world situations -shudder-)


Imagine the uproar if men started stating that women with large labis should have them lopped off?!!


the wisdom teeth this is often becuase of pain, its different.

and the umbilical cord is designed to be discarded, it isnt really comparable.

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It takes more effort to brush my teeth than it does to clean that part of me. Seriously.




I find it rather insulting and barbaric that someone would violate somthing so cool (


I wouldnt let anyone near any of my feminine organs with sharp instruments unless it was for aesthetic adornments or medical reasons

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Male cirumscision is a deeply personal choice for individuals and families, often rooted in culture and religion.


There are fair arguments on both sides of the spectrum, and I don't think people should be judged either way.


I do think it's rude of the Original Poster's girlfriend to ask him about it in front of others, and to make decisions whether or not to date someone/have sex with someone based on circumcision alone.



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It can be a funny subject though...I think it was Buddy Hackett who always wondered if he had more waiting for him in Heaven that he had here on Earth!



As for my views, I'm uncut and I dang well don't want to get cut in the future! The head of a man's penis is very sensitive! Cleaning isn't that hard, just a bit of water, soap and time. It also has the added feature of adding some amount of lubrication for sex..not alot, but some.

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I just told her today that I'm not, and she didn't really seem to care. I did tell her that it embarrassed me that she asked in front of her family. She said that sometimes she doesn't think before she speaks and is sorry.


So at least now everything is settled with this.


That's great to hear. Everyone makes mistakes but good people admit them and apologise. She sounds like a sweetheart.

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Male cirumscision is a deeply personal choice for individuals and families, often rooted in culture and religion.


There are fair arguments on both sides of the spectrum, and I don't think people should be judged either way. BellaDonna




I agree! Well said.


Also wanted to add that during such times that one would even be close enough to tell.....there's absolutely no difference. It (the uncircumcised or the circumcised) provide the same function, feel the very same and and even look the same (when erect anyway....)



Glad things worked out for the best here. And Good for you for telling her how you felt!

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I just told her today that I'm not, and she didn't really seem to care. I did tell her that it embarrassed me that she asked in front of her family. She said that sometimes she doesn't think before she speaks and is sorry.


So at least now everything is settled with this.


I'm glad you were able to resolve this.





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I just told her today that I'm not, and she didn't really seem to care. I did tell her that it embarrassed me that she asked in front of her family. She said that sometimes she doesn't think before she speaks and is sorry.


So at least now everything is settled with this.

Thats brilliant!!

Its good that she apologised and didnt get all defensive!! She sounds like a keeper

Also wanted to add that during such times that one would even be close enough to tell.....there's absolutely no difference. It (the uncircumcised or the circumcised) provide the same function, feel the very same and and even look the same (when erect anyway....)


Really? I can tell straight away, they feel totally different!!

but yeah, as said, its a personal choice thing, (although I do know people circumcised at birth who resent their parents for it, its not exaclty fair to go chopping at your childs genitals without their consent)

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