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Breaking down...flipping out.....on my period

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So my period is coming. I feel like a completely different person. I feel crazy like I'm going to flip out. I have exams coming up in a few days and all I can think about it how much I want to ask the therapist if she can ask my professors to extend the exam dates for just one week - until my period is done.


I literally feel like a different person. I want to die. The world sucks. I'm horribly ugly. I feel obsessive. I'm in pain, crampy, grumpy, depressed, my back hurts and I can't sleep. Just yesterday, I was studying very well, I was proud of myself......my life seemed to be better. THEN, today, BAM, I feel like death warmed over. I don't want to cop out on my exams.....in fact, I feel incredibly ashamed and embarrassed. I want to do well. But when I read my textbook, nothing makes sense. My concentration is foggy. My body bloated. I feel like a gigantic swollen blueberry. This is hell and I don't know what to do. I really want to do well on these exams.....but I'm going nuts. If only I were off my period or the symptoms went away........Help. :sad:


It is so hard to do anything, to enjoy life, to finish a task when your body is breaking down on you. I am like a different person on my period. Whiny. Moopy. Anxious. I wish there were days given off to female students and at work too for periods. I don't mind making up the stuff and hours at a different times......it's hard to function on these days though.


Next time I will plan important tasks around my period. I will make a plan so I can manage these around this. But I forgot how painfully it affects me everytime and I didn't plan for it. What am I going to do?

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you may want to talk to a Dr about what you can do for your PMS, and maybe look at getting yourself on the pill, if i have something important coming up and my period is due i just push it back a week with the pill, problem solved.

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I am exactly the same when I'm PMSing. My boyfriend, who I live with, even says to me, I'm like different person.


I don't have any advice about the exam but the following vitamins can help with all of the PMS symptoms.


*Evening Primrose Oil

*Fish Oil



*Flaxseed Oil


Since taking these supplements, I have noticed a huge improvement.

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It is so hard to do anything, to enjoy life, to finish a task when your body is breaking down on you. I am like a different person on my period. Whiny. Moopy. Anxious. I wish there were days given off to female students and at work too for periods. I don't mind making up the stuff and hours at a different times......it's hard to function on these days though.



I know what you mean

Im sure I drinve everyone nuts when Im pmsing, im grumpy, insecure and whiney...

I feel for you... the last thing I would want ot do is sit an exam

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I feel like you sometimes, especially the fogginess, grumpiness and poor self-orientation. Sometimes i feel really anxiety-ridden.


The best thing, and listen to me (!), that i have found, through experience is:


1. Exericse. Exercise really helps. A 1 hour walk a few times a week significantly reduces PMT symptoms.


2. Diet. Don't eat sugar near your period. Sugar cramps up the muscles, so cutting out sugar about 5 days before your period will ease the pains. I know this from experience. On the few occasions that i have had sugar binges just before my period, the pain has been unbearable, sometimes even to the point of vomiting.


3. Alcohol. When nearing your period, especially a few days before it, dont drink any alcohol. The last time i consumed alcohol just before my period, i couldn't get out of bed, with bad cramps.


4. Perhaps some supplements, like the poster above suggested. I have never tried these, preferring to stick to a healthy diet, sugar free and full of exercise.


Last time i got my period, i hardly noticed it. Hardly any PMT, and very minimal pain.


And i practised all the things i mentioned above.

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Well, we are all like that.

I sugest some herbal supplement for PMS or for anxiety.

You can get it at pharmacies.

Follow the instructions and in 2 or 3 months things will be better.

Usually, these herbal suplements you take max 10 days prior to your period.

Different producers have different components in them and different way of using. I figured out I react the best on valerian.

Thats not real medicine, it's just a suplement that might help you and doesn't cause addiction because it's purely herbal.

Of course you woan't be able to completely shot off PMS, but you woan't be willing to bite someones head off.


Good luck

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I am exactly like that too, i went to the doctor and told her about it and she didnt put me on the pill, she gave me some tablets called Mefenamic acid. These help relieve the symptons. So i suggest you see your doctor because he/she may perscribe it for you.

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