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I just don't Understand

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It is always problem after problem. We have been together for 7 years and you think after being together that long we wouldn't have these issues. You can see from previous post some of the stuff going on. On Friday we had planned to go to the movies and dinner. He got off work at 2 and i don't get off until 5 so i said meet at the movies at 5:15 b/c the movie started at 5:25. He called me at 2 and said he was dropping by his friends. I said ok but don't be late to the movies. I get off work and break my neck to get there by 5:15. He is nowhere to be found. I call no answer. He finally calls back and said he is running late. Apparently him and his friend went to a bar and drank alot and lost track of time. He is so disrespectful. So he finally shows up and WE are so LATE for the movie. We then go to dinner which was nice so i suggested we go to a local bar and hang out. He said no that he needed to get home b/c he had to be up at 5 in the morning for work plus he had drank alot that day and didn't want anymore. I say ok and am on my merry way home. I call him when i get home and he answers and is out at a bar with his friend. Well i got so mad b/c he just told me that he had to go home and didn't want to stay out but there he goes with his friend. He couldn't understand why I was mad and turned it all around on me saying that all i do is b*&^% and nag. He doesn't realize that i only do this when he lies stright to my face. People just don't make sense to me. Any advice

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incondiserate a-hole


after 7 years?


gah... thats unbearable... thats the kind of thing you should be over by the first or second year...


I have a friend who is treated like that all the time by her bf, he is in NO WAY good enough for her. I bet you have a whole lot of friends who secretly hate him for how he treats you. Dump him and revel in friendships

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he seems to think that whatever he wants to do is fine and he's not really accountable to you... and if he thinks something will displease you, rather than deal with the confrontation, he just lies about it...


don't know if you can trust this guy... he's calling you names too when you catch him at the lies, so really low class behavior on his part, not yours...

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incondiserate a-hole


after 7 years?


gah... thats unbearable... thats the kind of thing you should be over by the first or second year...


I have a friend who is treated like that all the time by her bf, he is in NO WAY good enough for her. I bet you have a whole lot of friends who secretly hate him for how he treats you. Dump him and revel in friendships


That better not be about me missy!!!!

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