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So I get the WORST pms ever! I've tried everything but nothing helps!! I've taken midol,pamprin,primrose oil, and I'm already on prozac. It makes me sooooo irritable, I don't want to be around anyone even my bf who I love very much...I don't even wanna kiss him or spend time with him. It totally changes me

and physically I get soo nauseous and fatigue plus horrible cramps and headaches. It lasts like two weeks to!! Can anyone help?????


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Natural Remedies



Dietary Suggestions


* Reduce sugar and salt intake. This is especially useful for bloating and swelling of the hands and feet, breast tenderness, and dizziness. Increase foods rich in potassium, such as fish, beans, and broccoli.


* Eat small, frequent meals to help stabilize blood sugar.


* Eliminate caffeine, which can aggravate anxiety, depression, and breast tenderness.


* Increase intake of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and fish.


* Avoid alcohol.


* Decrease intake of fatty foods and red meat.



Other Remedies

There are other natural remedies commonly used for PMS, including:


* Ginkgo

* Vitamin E

* Royal jelly

* OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidins)

* Uva ursi

* St. Johns wort

* Wild yam

* Dandelion

* Reflexology

* Chiropractic

* Progesterone cream


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I hope the police isn't reading our post


LMFAO!!! Yeah the police are in a good mood though atm because it's the year of the pig!


Weed is a known remedy for period stuff. The other one is simply a hot water bottle. I have nursed many women through severe period cramps (one woman I was with had chronic endimetriosis) - a hot water bottle, some good quality weed, and a coffee seem to perk them up a bit!


Other than that there's no magical cure.


BTW - Yvette - that can't be you in your avatar, surely.

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LMFAO!!! Yeah the police are in a good mood though atm because it's the year of the pig!


Weed is a known remedy for period stuff. The other one is simply a hot water bottle. I have nursed many women through severe period cramps (one woman I was with had chronic endimetriosis) - a hot water bottle, some good quality weed, and a coffee seem to perk them up a bit!


Other than that there's no magical cure.


BTW - Yvette - that can't be you in your avatar, surely.

BTW - Yvette - that can't be you in your avatar, surely.


I wish!

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yes I have, and he said they usually reccomend prozac, but I'm already on it



So you're happy being a Zac head but not a Tea head.


Why trust one and not the other?


BTW - partaking of weed once a month for period pains does not make you a "head".


Oh that reminds me a have some valium from the doctor which I haven't started yet. Cheers!


Yvette - the avatar thing - damn lol. I'm sure you are equally if not more beautiful than your avatar.

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You should just take 2 Ibuprofen on the day that you know or think you're getting it, and continue to take 2 every 6 hours. The key is to keep the pain down as soon as you possibly can, and not to wait until you feel pain at all. And get a heating pad to put on your stomach. There's also the portable heating things you can stick to the inside of your underwear for when you're out and about.


Those were my tricks. Also, birth control pills absolutely work wonders. Years of suffering came to a halt as soon as I started taking them!


The mood though, I think that is hard to control... although there are oils that work and aroma therapy kind of things. Having no cramps does wonders though.

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You should just take 2 Ibuprofen


Sorry forgot - these are excellent too. Anti inflammatory muscle relaxants - just the ticket for you.


There ya have it -


Weed, Ibuprofen, a good video, time for yourself, a nice cup of coffee, an understanding partner.

You're not going to get rid of it per se but you sure can do a few things to ease it.


I had gallstones when I was young and was mis diagnosed for a whole year with hepatits B as my stomach pains grew and grew and my family thought I had stomach cancer at the age of 14.

I know something about period pains - although not having had them, I was informed that the gallstones pains are the closest a man can get.

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So you're happy being a Zac head but not a Tea head.


Why trust one and not the other?


BTW - partaking of weed once a month for period pains does not make you a "head".


Oh that reminds me a have some valium from the doctor which I haven't started yet. Cheers!


Yvette - the avatar thing - damn lol. I'm sure you are equally if not more beautiful than your avatar.

well prozac for one is legal and two it doesn't kill your brain cells. thanx about the avy though....but no one is as beauituful as Ms. Stefani

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well prozac for one is legal

So was weed once. Weed is only illegal because of ancient racism towards the mexican immigrants from the Americans. They are outdated and drachonian laws.




and two it doesn't kill your brain cells


1 : The number of brain cells that getting stoned once or twice a month would kill is completely and utterly negligible and void compared to the number of brain cells that you actually have. Smoking or drinking every day however is a bit heavier.


interesting reading for you :


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just a normal conversation between some people about it.


Don't get me wrong - I'm not actually advocating it's use, or persuading you to try it, but on the other hand don't dismiss it because it's "illegal" (have you broken the speed limit today? How many times?) or because it kills less brain cells than getting drunk. It would be a shame to dismiss it altogether if it worked for you.


Speak to some other people about it - see what they say

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LMFAO!!! Yeah the police are in a good mood though atm because it's the year of the pig!


Weed is a known remedy for period stuff. The other one is simply a hot water bottle. I have nursed many women through severe period cramps (one woman I was with had chronic endimetriosis) - a hot water bottle, some good quality weed, and a coffee seem to perk them up a bit!


Other than that there's no magical cure.


BTW - Yvette - that can't be you in your avatar, surely.



HA HA HA! Right on.


I was going to suggest the same thing.


Weed is a great way to relax. I have smoked regularly for quite some time, have not gotten any dumb*er* and I have to say, HONESTLY, it has helped me with my asthma. Immensley.


I would venture to guess that it could help you in your situation. But, I would say that if you are against it, its probably not a good idea.


Btw, what could a cop do if they were watching this board? (just a statemtent really, not meant to hijack the thread)

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