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Hi I'm sad because


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It seems like everyone finds love eventually except for me. I'm not sure whether its me (from my posts here I sound psychotic, whatever) or just my environment. I'm not sure what I'm doing thats a turn off but I'm definitely postively sarcastically facecious in all situations and circumstances, or is it that I'm not in the right place, meeting the right girls, my type? Does type even exist?


It seems as if there is so much that goes into finding the right person: place, timing, looks and emotion at the time, their feelings about you, and your feelings about them, where one little thing could turn either off and blow either one off not giving another chance as if it could have been bad day for either person.


I'm glad all of my friends offically have girlfriends though and that I still get to hang out with a few even though they have girlfriends.


Atleast I still have my tree.

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Okay you guys are 17, 19 and 20. Get over it. Most people do find love "eventually". But "eventually" doesn't mean "by the time you're 20". Please, get some perspective. Girlfriends aren't all they're cracked up to be anyway. They're a pain in the butt. And falling in love is about as much fun as falling into a hole. It hurts. If you start comparing yourself to your friends and getting desperate, you will just attract the wrong women (if any women at all). Take it easy, get out there are meet people, be yourself, be friendly, and you WILL fall in love soon (for better or for worse).

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^^ I'm going on 28 and it's a little bit harder for a person my age to find love because of the limited places to meet people


I'd have to disagree. I've found far more people to love since I've been in my late 30's than I ever did in my teens.


I found that life in school was very limiting in actuality. It's a somewhat closed environment. University was better, but still, not exactly the broad cross section of society you might imagine.


When you're older, out of school, there is more opportunity to get out into the world.


You just have to keep you eyes, ears and particularly your mind open. Perhaps some luck, but it's the kind of luck you can make for yourself if you believe in yourself.

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...I found that life in school was very limiting in actuality. It's a somewhat closed environment...


I think boys only schools are mainly responsible for the 'pity party' in this thread and for male social anxiety around women. Such schools should be abolished. They have ruined a lot of young men.

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Okay you guys are 17, 19 and 20. Get over it. Most people do find love "eventually". But "eventually" doesn't mean "by the time you're 20". Please, get some perspective. Girlfriends aren't all they're cracked up to be anyway. They're a pain in the butt. And falling in love is about as much fun as falling into a hole. It hurts. If you start comparing yourself to your friends and getting desperate, you will just attract the wrong women (if any women at all). Take it easy, get out there are meet people, be yourself, be friendly, and you WILL fall in love soon (for better or for worse).


Easy for you to say when you have already found love.

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It's also a very negative view of love. I've been in love too. It was wonderful. And as things go, it didn't work out.


But I still think being in love is one of the most amazing human experiences that exist in this world. The wrong girlfriend is, indeed, a thorn in one's side. But the right one, is the most wonderful gift one could ever ask for. I would know.

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Easy for you to say when you have already found love.


Have you had your first kid yet? Paid off your first house? Lost a parent? Lost a great job? Even had a great job? Perhaps some of those things, but doubtful that all of them have happened.


The point is, not everything in life happens before you're 20!! Stop trying to get everything under your belts by the time you mature into adulthood otherwise you'll have a very boring rest of your life!


Not to say that you shouldn't fall in love with somebody if it so happens, but if it hasn't yet you just have to relax and give it some more time.

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It's perfectly normal and natural to desire a partner when one is 20. College age students place a huge deal of importance on being in a relationship and being in 'love.' Those who don't are in the minority.


I'm not saying it isn't. I'm just saying if it hasn't happened yet then give it time.


It's perfectly normal for people of that same age to place great importance in a job, a car and a place to live too. It's not all going to happen at once. Building a life takes time. Getting upset because one doesn't have it all by the time they're 20 is a bit of a waste of energy.

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