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Itchy :(


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I shave downstairs usually every week, recently my partner and I had a 5 weeks 'break' to sort ourselves out, and now are going strong again, but during that time I didn't shave at all, I didnt see the point if it was only me going to be seeing it.


So I shaved on Thursday night, and now the regrowth is itching like crazy, i never remembered it being like this when I was doing it regularly.


I'm kind scared of wax, but now sure if I should considering getting it waxed from now on, will this eliminate the itchiness, or will it be similar for the first few times?


I also am not sure about the letting it grow before getting it waxed again, thing.. i prefer to keep it as tame as possible all the time, not wait 4 weeks or whatever for it to become a forest lol


any suggestions?

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I get waxed downstairs and it's really quite painless, just make sure you go somewhere reputable to get it done. And you don't have to wait for it to become a forest to get it done again.


I get it done every 4 weeks and by this time it's only about 5mm long. (very short) It grows alot slower and thinner when you get waxed and doesn't itch at all!

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I get waxed downstairs and it's really quite painless, just make sure you go somewhere reputable to get it done. And you don't have to wait for it to become a forest to get it done again.


I get it done every 4 weeks and by this time it's only about 5mm long. (very short) It grows alot slower and thinner when you get waxed and doesn't itch at all!


I wish it was that easy for me

I have very thin skin, and no matter what wax they use (the wet stuff with cloth or the stuff that dries and they rip off without cloth) the skin comes off with the hair


SO not worth it

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I get waxed downstairs and it's really quite painless, just make sure you go somewhere reputable to get it done. And you don't have to wait for it to become a forest to get it done again.


I get it done every 4 weeks and by this time it's only about 5mm long. (very short) It grows alot slower and thinner when you get waxed and doesn't itch at all!



Thanks MissTee, my mum gets her done, but it just scares me to think that there will be wax there.. and they will rip my hair out, I do know it's not as painful as other places to get waxed (thanks for mum for that info).. There are a few places around my house that do it and have a good name, so will give that a go.. how much regrowth do you need for the first time, do you know? io have an eyebrow wax for wednesday, might get both while i'm there

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I wish it was that easy for me

I have very thin skin, and no matter what wax they use (the wet stuff with cloth or the stuff that dries and they rip off without cloth) the skin comes off with the hair


SO not worth it


ooh ouch


Try using the shaving cream product called "Coochie". That helps a great deal with the ingrown hairs.


I just never seemed to have lasting results with waxing. Whenever I tried, it just ended up seeming like more work than it was worth.




never heard of it, but thanks Brian, I am in Australia so not sure if we get that here but will have a search on the internet for it


thanks again, maybe I will try that before the waxing i think the thought of me being down there and if i hurt myself it's my own fault, then paying someone to rip wax off me lol

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The product "Coochie" really is awesome. It moisturizes and there's no razor bumps as well. If there are, to prevent that, use "Tend Skin." It's amazing too. I tried waxing once or twice. It gives good results but hurt like crazy and I had bad bumps after a couple of days...maybe I need to get used to it, lol.

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Thanks MissTee, my mum gets her done, but it just scares me to think that there will be wax there.. and they will rip my hair out, I do know it's not as painful as other places to get waxed (thanks for mum for that info).. There are a few places around my house that do it and have a good name, so will give that a go.. how much regrowth do you need for the first time, do you know? io have an eyebrow wax for wednesday, might get both while i'm there


When I went for the first time, I had been shaving like yourself and I let it grow to about 1cm. But like I said, now when I go it's only like 5mm long. And they keep getting thinner and less and less.


I'm in Sydney and go to a great place in the city if your around here?


Just a tip that I was given when I went for the first time. Take two panadol half an hour before your appointment. It takes the edge off. And never go while you are on your period or around that time because you are super sensitive down there at that time.

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I wish it was that easy for me

I have very thin skin, and no matter what wax they use (the wet stuff with cloth or the stuff that dries and they rip off without cloth) the skin comes off with the hair


SO not worth it




One of my friends has this aswell! Is it painful?

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When I went for the first time, I had been shaving like yourself and I let it grow to about 1cm. But like I said, now when I go it's only like 5mm long. And they keep getting thinner and less and less.


I'm in Sydney and go to a great place in the city if your around here?


Just a tip that I was given when I went for the first time. Take two panadol half an hour before your appointment. It takes the edge off. And never go while you are on your period or around that time because you are super sensitive down there at that time.


wow, that's great, i may have to switch to waxing and see how I go, might wait until my next eyebrow appointment though.


I am in Perth, so I think the trip to Sydney may not be worth it, but I appreciate your offer I will probably go to the lady that does my eyebrows, she is fantastic at everything else, and my mum is fodn of the way she did the bikini for her

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