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Do you love yourself?

Daddy Bear

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I am curious as to what brought about the subject question.


I am sure that I don't like myself as much as I used to. I am trying to come around though. I always feel as if I could have done more and I am ALWAYS comparing myself to others.


I don't remember doing this before, but this last relationship took a lot out of me. It was so toxic on both of our ends.


I need to rebuild myself and part of that is learning not to be depressed and walking with my head up...

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I do. In spite of the countless missteps I've taken throughout my life I think my heart's in the right place. I try to make amends for my mistakes and spread cheer whenever I can.


Do you? Why or why not?


Somedays I love myself and other days I don't (maybe due to hormones/no sunshine/feeling empty). Deep down though, I do love myself.

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If I could clone myself, I wouldn't have to worry about finding a husband.


In general, I am satisfied with where I am in life right now and where it looks like I'm going. Yes, there are many things that I would like to improve about myself, but things could be much worse...

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I have never been a person to call myself down. I think I am an intelligent person and I am happy with my appearance. I dont believe that other people are better than me. So in that aspect I would say I love myself.


On the other hand, many many times, my actions dont say that I love myself. I do many things to hold myself back or things that are self destructive. So I wonder if all my conscious self approval is a cover up for subconscious insecurities and low self esteem.

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I do most of the time.


I mean I have my "fat" days, and bad hair days and "ugly" days. Sometimes these days can really really get me down. But in those instances I just book into a salon or spa and get treated.


That sounds shallow but it's true... it's the only thing that really gets me down... When I feel like I don't look good.

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Right now, no I don't. I look in the mirror and I see a lot of flaws and things that need to be changed. I always feel I'm not smart enough, my work isn't good enough, my work worthless.


Sometimes I feel good, but a majority of the time, I'm not happy.


This makes me very sad CB. I know that's not what this post is about but you're so lovely all the time. I shudder to think you feel that way about yourself...........

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At the moment... Yeah, I think so...


I mean, Im by NO means perfect, but I TRY to be a good person.

I do my damndest to be a good partner/daughter/sister/friend... I am there for those who need me and I TRY to look on both sides of situations...


I can be a hypocrite, but I think that is mostly because I care about my friends so much more than I care about myself.

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Unfortunately, I concur also. I've known lots of people who gave love unsparingly to everyone but themselves. In the cases of Ellie, Newo, CB and Ren (among others here) it's a crying shame, because they truly, truly deserve a share of that love which they seem to give so freely.

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I care about myself. I don't want to suffer. I used to care about others so much more than me....because I felt it was selfish to even care about me. But then I realize I have to...otherwise I cannot have or keep a sense of self.


I don't know if I love myself...but I certainly like myself better than I used to. And this is something that I'm working towards......to be able to have a sense of greater appreciation and care for myself. In that way, I shall be able to care for others more and genuinely as well.

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I have a lot of self-respect and I'm very protective of myself...but I can't say I love myself. I have pretty low self-esteem when it comes to 99% of myself. But I don't let it keep me from striving for more or doing my best (usually) and I try not to let others treat me the way I feel about myself.

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