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is it possible?


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I have really liked guys.. gotten to know them.. but absolutly petrified of them finding out because what if they didn't like me back.. then our 'friendship' would be ruined


sounds silly.. but it answers your question.. that yes sometimes someone can be interested but not show it..


I've done that a few times..


even when there really wasn't much friendship


how do you mean she doesnt' act interested?

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I've been guilty of doing that back in high school. When I liked someone, I was too afraid to acknowledge their existence; plus, I thought that flirting would somehow make me slutty and equate me with certain girls who had a reputation. So from the side it looked like I was ignoring the object of my affections completely, while in reality I was clinging to his every word and action.

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we have known each other for more than 1 year now, we were really good friends. Last year on March she TOLD me that she loved me and she garanteed (yeah she said it's garanteed) that we would get together, she gave me hope..but nothing happened because she started to act strange towards me..

now she talks to me but I don't know if she's interested..I can't see any signs from her body language...is it possible that she still likes me but not showing it?

She has confidence in her self and she's not a shy girl but I don't know maybe she is when it comes to relationships..

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if she is really really shy... but usually if that is the case, taking some time to talk to her and get to know her might help her relax.


but if is she is being rude or is showing interest in other people but not you, then it either means she is not interested, or a game player.


she doesn't show interest in other guys when I there, but she does mention Famous guys she think are attractive when she knows I'm around

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we have known each other for more than 1 year now, we were really good friends. Last year on March she TOLD me that she loved me and she garanteed (yeah she said it's garanteed) that we would get together, she gave me hope..but nothing happened because she started to act strange towards me..

now she talks to me but I don't know if she's interested..I can't see any signs from her body language...is it possible that she still likes me but not showing it?

She has confidence in her self and she's not a shy girl but I don't know maybe she is when it comes to relationships..


Watch the feet - what she does - not the lips - what she says. I am not sure why she said it was guaranteed you would get together - why not right then?

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Watch the feet - what she does - not the lips - what she says. I am not sure why she said it was guaranteed you would get together - why not right then?


she wanted to wait bcause she didn't want to rush things


she usually asks how I am, how my day has been..nothing heavy just causal stuff

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we have known each other for more than 1 year now, we were really good friends. Last year on March she TOLD me that she loved me and she garanteed (yeah she said it's garanteed) that we would get together, she gave me hope..but nothing happened because she started to act strange towards me..

now she talks to me but I don't know if she's interested..I can't see any signs from her body language...is it possible that she still likes me but not showing it?

She has confidence in her self and she's not a shy girl but I don't know maybe she is when it comes to relationships..


She told you that she loved you. Now she expects you to take the lead in the relationship. If you don't she will feel that you don't love her in return. No wonder she is acting strange.

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