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Darkened tooth???


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kind of embarrassing but i figured i'd ask anyway. my teeth are usually pretty good, i used to have braces about a year ago so they're pretty straight and everything. but lately ive noticed one of my lower canine teeth is getting increasingly darker than the other teeth around it. sometimes when i eat sweets or cold water it's also kind of uncomfortable.


There is no signs of a cavity or any spots around it to indicate decay or anything. i brush my teeth regularly too. i went to the dentist for a cleaning about 3 months ago and they looked at all my teeth and didnt see anything wrong with any of them.


so what's up here?

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if you have only one darker tooth and it is sensitive it usually means that you either have an infection in the tooth, or the tooth had an infection and the roots have already died... both cases usually require a root canal to fix.


please go to your dentist soon because if it really abcesses into the jaw bone, the pain is incredible (i've been there). the root canal itself doesn't really hurt because they load you up with painkillers so it's pretty much like getting a tooth filled but takes longer...

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Something similar happened to a friend of mine back in high school (one of his teeth became "gray" colored and was darker than the other, but it wasn't the enamel...)


and for him he had an infection in the root and it actually "died" so they had to pull the tooth (considered a "dead" tooth) do a root canal and replace it with a false one.


I'm not sure if this is what happened to you but it's definitly worth seeing a dentist over.

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I've worked for a dentist. I can't believe he/she didn't say anything about it! did you ask the dentist to take look? Did they see anything on x-rays that raised questions? I would make another visit to the dentist and have some x-rays taken or look at the other x-rays and see if there's an abnormality in the root or surrounding tissues

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I've worked for a dentist. I can't believe he/she didn't say anything about it! did you ask the dentist to take look? Did they see anything on x-rays that raised questions? I would make another visit to the dentist and have some x-rays taken or look at the other x-rays and see if there's an abnormality in the root or surrounding tissues


there wasnt a problem with it when i was there last. this all happened just recently and i only noticed it was greyer becasue when i was brushing my teeth it was very obvious that it wasnt the same as the others. and it's more sensitive sometimes.


but i'll get it checked out...the thought of a root canal scares the crap out of me...the dentist has already suggested i have one on one of my back teeth as it is...*sigh* stupid teeth!!!

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