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ex problems

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about 3 months ago I was missing my ex girlfriend again and thinking about her literally all day. That night a few buddies and I went to the sports bar. we were there for a while then my ex walked in w/ her boyfriend. I didnt say anything to her and she didnt say anything to me. then this girl was flirting w/ me the whole night. I then glanced over to where my ex was sitting and she looked really sad. I didnt want that at all. I just want her to be happy. Then the next night I got a call from a number I didnt recognize when I answered I heard my ex's voice before I said hello. She was talking to someone else and she said "hes not going to call me back" then I said hello and she handed the phone to someone else and the other girl asked for someone else. I didnt know what to think of that. A week later I emailed her and appologized for not saying hi to her the other night and telling her i felt ackward but didnt say anything about the phone call. at the time i just felt if she wanted to talk to me then she just needs to pick up the phone and talk to me. She emailed back also appologizing about not saying hi. again this was about 3 months ago but i still miss her and would love to talk to her. should i email her back telling her i know that it was her that called me that night and reassure her that i will talk to her? I know that I still love her and would love to be w/ her again. but if she really wanted to talk to me she wouldnt call then not say anything, right?

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Seeing your ex for the first time, is always awkward bro. Believe me, I feel ya.


Whether it be 3 months, or 3 years, that first time seeing eachother is always a little weird. As far her calling the next night, then handing the phone off, seems a little immature to me. She obviously misses you, as far as what the point of the call was, who knows.


How long were you together, and what were the reasons for breaking up?

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What exactly do you have to apologize to her about? That's a mystery to me. She walks in with someone else and you're supposed to jump up, give her a pat on the back, and catch up on old times?


Head in the general direction of the hills if there are any nearby.


Oh, and welcome to ENA. (That's 2!)

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we were together for 2 years and broke up about a year ago. she broke up w/ me because she wanted to take a break and I was kind of at that point too but after a couple weeks i knew i wanted to be with her. I really didnt have to appologize to her for not saying hi but i did feel bad for it. If she reallly wants to talk to me she should of just talked

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