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How many times per week on average do you see your S/O ?


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Question pretty self explanatory. How often (per week, or you can use a greater measure of time if you don't get to see eachother at least once a week usually) do you see your boyfriend or girlfriend?


Is it too much, too little, or just right?


As for me, I ask because me and my girlfriend don't ever seem to see eachother enough for me. Usually its just once a week when she is in town (and for much of the school year we have a long distance relationship which further makes me feel like we're hardly ever together enough). This isn't really a relationship advice thread though since Its usually just a few minor things involving us being young and not having our own places/cars to see eachother more often. I was just curious as to how often most people see their g/f or b/f.

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At your age I saw my boyfriend everyday. I don't know if that was healthy, tho. I would say whatever feels good to you two. I would just discuss it with her. She could only be flattered to know you want to see her more. You can figure it out! I see my fiancee around 4 to 5 times per week. But we are older and in a different life situation.

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I go to school with my girlfriend and see her usually once each weekend.

So that's like 6 days a week.

During the holidays we see eachother a lot aswel. Probably 4-5 times a week.


It's perfect for us, we're so used to being around eachother. We have friends who see their partners like once a week and that works for them, but we love eachothers company and constant company.

We're on the phone to eachother everynight too.

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My ex and I were in a long-distance relationship for a long time, so when we were in the same city (which happened once every two months or so), we saw each other every day for basically the whole day. During longer periods of time, it was probably 4 or 5 times a week. If work got in the way and we didn't have at least 3 days that we could see each other, we got quite irritated. And we talked on the phone every day that we didn't see each other.

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I think it all depends on your schedule.


My bf and I are grad students. We have completely different school schedules and we both work a lot. We also life quite a distance apart (~30miles) So we see each other for a few mins in school 2-3 times a week and then we see each other 1-2 over the weekend. That works for our schedules for right now. On the days we dont' see each other, we talk on the phone every night.

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Question pretty self explanatory. How often (per week, or you can use a greater measure of time if you don't get to see eachother at least once a week usually) do you see your boyfriend or girlfriend?


Is it too much, too little, or just right?


As for me, I ask because me and my girlfriend don't ever seem to see eachother enough for me. Usually its just once a week when she is in town (and for much of the school year we have a long distance relationship which further makes me feel like we're hardly ever together enough). This isn't really a relationship advice thread though since Its usually just a few minor things involving us being young and not having our own places/cars to see eachother more often. I was just curious as to how often most people see their g/f or b/f.


I see my boyfriend, on average: a weekend every fortnight..

it's not enough, especially since for the last year and a half he has been talking about buying a house together, yet he won't even consider renting until we buy.. his mother, mothers him too much.. i love her but i wish she would stop.. he needs a reason to leave home.

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My boyfriend and I go to the same college and we see one another 2-3 times a week. Recently, I have been seeing him about 4 times a week and it's actually working out to be not as good this way. I don't know if there is a correlation or not. Anyway, since you guys live so far away, how is it even possible to see each other all the time? If you aren't happy, talk to her about it and see if you both can work on a solution together.

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It's hard to say... This week we saw each other every day since Wednesday and it's Monday today, which was a holiday... Normally it's 1 - 2, sometimes 3 weekday nights, plus all weekend. So farly frequently. At the beginning of the relationship it was about 3 times a week.

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