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How can I make my body look hard?

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I'm trying to find the perfect meal plan that will give me the energy to study but also a meal plan that won't put fat on my abs. Right now I'm 140lbs at 5"2, and I have a little fat that I'd like to get rid of on my stomach. I've had a hard looking body before, but that was back when I drank protein shakes, ate lots of meat, and lifted weights. That diet was just too expensive when you throw in the chicken and beef and protein shakes you have to buy. Cooking the meals takes a lot of time that I don't have.


I run 5 miles, 5 times a week and I also do 100 situps before I run, and I try to keep a healthy diet but temptation gets to me. I only buy Amy's microwavable dinners and Boca breakfast burrito's. For lunch, I'll try to have a can of chicken salad with crackers. I only drink water and tea. When I'm getting tired during my studying or reading, I'll have tea and soup.


Its just sometimes when I'm feeling the craving I'll buy mocha's and danishes or crouscants. For instance, I ate chocalate for Valentine's Day. On a workday, I'll have rice for lunch and egg drop soup with rice for dinner.

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You can do all the crunches and sit-ups in the world, but they're not going to get rid of that layer of fat on your stomach. They will tone the muscles under the fat, but to get rid of the fat you need to be doing a combination of cardio and a lower calorie diet. It sounds like you're on the right track with the running. It might help to up your speed a bit if it's getting too easy. If not, then just keep it up. As for the lower calorie diet, you just need to eat about 15-20% less than your current intake. You can still eat your burittos and danishes, just keep the portions small. After doing this you should be able to get your body fat % to a lower level and you can reveal your 6-pack.

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Lower carbohydrates will tend to lead to less water retention. A cyclical carbohydrate diet of some kind may be the best way to go if you want to look hard but also want to maintain glycogen levels and not look flat. Also more cardio and more fluid intake should help keep water retention down.


Basically that brings you right back to a more expensive diet of lean meats, veggies, some fruits etc.


My post probably wasn't all that helpful.


I have found tuna and ground turkey are pretty affordable.


Personally I just deal with some extra bloat and don't worry about it.

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