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Iron tablets

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But i don't want to grow hehehe....



At your age your bones are adding minerals that you will need later in life when your body does not add minerals to your bones as well. Its important to feed yourself well. Use activity to shape the rest.


I can't explain the correlation of iron supplementation with weight gain. Is there anything else that you are doing at the same time which may account for this? I guess it could be slowing metabolism in some way. I just don't know.


Take care of that bod!

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I think its more likely the pill than the iron tablets. However, more likely than the both of them put together its what CB said - plain old growth.


Keep taking the tablets and let your body develop naturally. I know from previous posts you say you have an issue you with your weight - just be proud of yourself. Let your body do its own thing whilst you're still growing. After that, you can sort things out if you still feel the need.

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It is possible that the iron tablets contributed to your weight gain. One of the symptoms of iron deficency anemia is a loss of appetite. If you had anemia, then it is possible that you just started eating more without noticing because your appetite had returned. Obviously, it is better to be a little heavier, than to have anemia.


I think at 15, as long as you are within the healthy weight range for your height, you shouldn't concern yourself with weight. You are still growing and any damage you do to your body now will affect your health later in life. If you're suffering from an eating disorder, see someone who can help.

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