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Really Hard Time

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This is a weird thing, and i just need some advice.


Me and my GF split in November, and I got over it.


On Valentines day i heard from her, she text me simply saying "Oo me and my new boyfriend are gonna have fun in bed tonight".


I didn't reply but she text me later that night saying "wow i'm so worn out, better than i had with you, i hate you!!".


Since i got this mesage i been really torn up inside. i cant believe my ex gf who i had so many good times with is being like this. i dont care if shes got a new boyfriend, but surely its not on to text ur ex about ur sex life? Espec on Vday.


She raked up feelings i had for her.


I should just add we split amicably, it was a joint decission as wasn't getting on, but there was no hate at tht time.


What advice have you guys got to offer, cos i just feel so low.

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IMO, shes not over you.

She deals with these feelings by transferring them into hate, becuase shes too immature to deal with whats actually going on.


She wants you to respond so she can fight with you, she wants to feel wanted.


IF she has a new bf, then he isnt going to stick around if shes disrespecting him like that.

My ex tried to use me against his ex like that, it was horrible.

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cheers guys.


when i first met this girl she was nothing like she is now, she just seems consumed with hate and venom.


i think all this has started to make me think about our good times and i just feel bad now.


i am thinking of changing my mobile number.

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What a complete and UTTER...umm..madam.


If it were me I'd respond with something like "Kay then!


But I dunno if you want to go down that path.


As others have said, she's dealing with her feelings for you by turning them into hate as well. That's why you hear dumpees so often say "I wish I could hate him/her!" It just makes it easier. Well...supposedly. To be honest, I think it makes it worse.


It's the worst thing to have someone you felt so strongly for hurt you, and knowing for sure that they did it on purpose. Just try and take comfort in the fact that you are clearly the bigger man here, and will definitely find someone who deserves you, unlike her.

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PLEASE!! Just one teaser thrown back at her!



it makes him no better than her, and she will be getting exactly what she wants!!! She wants him to respond!!


Shes a pathetic little bint, why do something that would lower yourself to her level?


anyways... ill have to get out the wooden spoon if you encourage such silly behaviour!! You dont want a spanked bottom now, do you locke!!?!?!!!

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Im not going to text her back, if i do that i might get more texts and emails from her.


yea theres something whats happened to het to make her like this - part of me would love to be a friend, but most of me knows that i got to cut her away, move on, and let her make her own mess.

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You said the split was amicable? Has she ever acted like this before? This just seems like odd behaviour if it's really coming out of the blue. Did you guys fight alot when you were together? It seems very odd for a person to go out of their way for no reason just to be sick and cruel. But then again, maybe I've just never had the misfortune of being around a person who's capable of acting like that. Texting her back would just feed into her insanity.

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You said the split was amicable? Has she ever acted like this before? This just seems like odd behaviour if it's really coming out of the blue. Did you guys fight alot when you were together? It seems very odd for a person to go out of their way for no reason just to be sick and cruel. But then again, maybe I've just never had the misfortune of being around a person who's capable of acting like that. Texting her back would just feed into her insanity.


it was valentines day, she was probably alone.

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I totally agree with EvaGina here! Come on guys. obviously its a bit immature but she's totally not over him.


She's sad....pathetic really...I feel bad for her. I wish she would just come clean with the whole thing but maybe she isn't really in touch with her own feelings at all, ya know? Just sort of lashing out in a weird backward attempt to get him jealous?


Don't fall fer it, I say, but don't be too hard on her either. She's obviously sad.

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she hasn't mentally moved on...she seems like a pretty awful person and you are so much better than her!! Now is your chance to get ahead of her-call your cell phone company and see if you can change your number..that would be sooooo smart of you. And let all your friends and family know your new number. If you can't do that, then at least don't let her know these messages might be bugging you-that's what she wants so don't give her the satisfaction!!





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Don't fall fer it, I say, but don't be too hard on her either. She's obviously sad.


There is absolutely no good reason or excuse for her to do this. None whatsoever. Hurt, sad, heartbroken, lonely it doesn't matter. No excuse.


What she said to you was shameful, selfish, and disgusting. Ericson you don't need someone capable of this in your life buddy, as a friend or otherwise. There's no excuse for this behavior, not what she said to you. Read her words again. She was blatantly and purposefully trying to hurt you.


I agree, don't be hard on her, don't be anything on her. Forget about her.

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Thank you all for the advice!


When we first got togerther she was very... possessive, for example she sent me 8 page love letters saying how she wants us to get married, and if i ever left her she'd crumble, at the time i thought it was a little over the top, but now im thinkning maybe she gets way too emotional other things?


I mean she made cross stitches with my name and her name on, and sent me like 50 text messages a day, looking back it was very... ott. She also used to want to check my emails and text messages...


Actually more i think aobut this the more i tihnk im best off out of it... lol

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