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Cum too fast from Handjob

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am really embarrased about this and don't know what to do. My gf gave me my first hj and a came in liike 30 seconds. i didnt think too much of it since it was my first and you know im not used to it. well ive gotten three since then and each time i cum within a min. this is really bothering me and i dont know why this is. i feel that i just get to excited even before she touches me that when she does...i just explode. what shuold i do? i want to have at least a little control over when i cum. ive tried the whole think of your grandma thing but nothing works. please help.

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First, my friend, consider yourself lucky you're with a woman who wants to please you in this way. Then, be thankful you're with one, as Mythical said, who is so good at it. Finally, my bet is she's thankful that it happens so fast, because she KNOWS she's pleasing you, and let's face it, that action gets tiring after a while.


Are having actual intercourse with her? I get the feeling the answer is no, but if so, do you climax that soon? That might be a little more of an issue, because it means she's probably not being fulfilled.


If not, don't worry about it! Enjoy the pleasure, then ask her what you could do to make HER happy.


And by the way, don't cut down on that pleasure by thinking about your grandma. That takes all the fun and purpose out of sex, as far as I'm concerned. Let it be completely blissful, no matter how soon you climax...

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HERE IS THE ANSWER: There is nothing wrong with you.


1) If you want to be able to last longer to 'impress' your girlfriend:


What you need to do is simply masterbate once about an hour or so before she gives you a HJ. Then by the time its her turn it will take a bit longer! (Might also ache you down there a little bit though)


2) If you want to get the most pleasure and passion out of your intimate relationship with your girlfriend:


Just deal with the fact that you will cum within a minute or so...when you get older you will change, although maybe only slightly...

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Well you're lucky because I don't even come from handjobs. It actually takes me about half an hour for me to come from a blowjob. I last about twenty to forty minutes through acutal intercourse, which makes for some pretty long and intense sessions, but my girlfriend likes it and I just come when I'm ready.


Don't worry about controlling it. I find that after you've come once it will take you longer the next time you have an erection, which makes for some pretty fun sex.

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