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Question for people that are married/have been married/are engaged

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My ex-wife & I started seeing each other when we were 18, we moved in together (with 3 other people) after 3 months. Got engaged after about 4 years & married 3 years after that. Marriage lasted 4 years - all up we were together 11 years. We're still good friends & we have a daughter together.


I'm in no hurry to get married again

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congrats! Live well, be happy!


Thanks so much!


Also, regarding the topic, most of the people I know dated for several years before getting engaged. Also, most of my friends are the type that want to "get all their ducks in a row" before embarking upon marriage. I do know one couple that got engaged within months, but it was a unique military situation that they felt required a rush to the altar.

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rushers almost always never last. i think you have to know somebody before you take the plunge with them. marriage is tough and isn't something to just play around with. too many people get married who are either too young or inexperienced to know who they are. they think it is a joke and you can just divorce and it's all good.



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regarding rushers- Well, for my friends' sake, I hope that will not hold true in their case.


I think you are right about people thinking that marriage is something that is easily divorced out of. My guy and I both feel that if you love someone enough to marry them, and you know them well enough that deal breakers (abuse, etc) are not a problem, than you should be able to work through nearly anything. For me, and the culture of my extended family, divorce is not an option.

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i would never be unhappy because of my family beliefs. i do hold them true to my heart, but i have to do what is right for me.



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