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Question for people that are married/have been married/are engaged

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A month, and we were married a month and a half later.


But like Eva said, different strokes for different folks. My husband and I have been married nearly 6 years and are very happy - for others, 2 and a half months of dating before marriage would spell disaster. My sister and brother-in-law dated for 8 years before he proposed. I, like your girlfriend, would never have waited that long, but different strokes for different folks!

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i was with a girl for 4.5 years. i never felt compelled to marry. she never really pushed me for it. it is how comfortable you feel with somebody. don't let some set time make you feel like you want to. the time will come when it is right.


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A week after our first date...which occurred after 3-4 weeks chatting online and on the phone.


We were married less than a year after we first met. (...and I wasn't preggo or nothin' )


Got married in 2002. Best decision either of us has ever made.


However, I'll be the first to admit that we're probaby the exception with that kinda timing and not the rule.

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Our third "dating" anniversary today... and still no sign of a proposal... I do get swept up in the whole thing at times, wondering why he hasn't asked me yet, but then... I talk about it so much he probably just wants me to shut up so that it can look like his idea - not mine! hehe. Whilever I keep talking about it, it will look as though he's only done it to keep me happy, not because it's what he wants I guess.

I do know it will happen, just not when!

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Like other people have mentioned, it's different for everyone. Some people might know they want to spend the rest of their lives together very quickly but wait for the engagement. I think it also depends on the age of the people when they meet. I know my boyfriend is the one I want to marry but I can't see us getting engaged until we are out of school for awhile.

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i think a lot depends on your age and circumstances... if you start dating at 16, then 6 or 7 years would seem fine to a lot of people, but if you meet in your 30s and want to have children, then waiting that long might impact whether you could have kids or not at all..


but i got engaged at 4 months, married at 6 months, divorced at 8 years... so in my case, i wish i'd waited a couple years to get engaged, because i think i wouldn't have done it at all if i'd known him better, but kept trying for years and years because i wanted to make good on the marriage commitment...

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I was married for 19 years and she is still my best friend who I see on a weekly basis and it took me five years (give or take a bit) to get around to it.


The last girl I dated I knew for five years total. First two were bliss though it turned into a long distance relationship after the first year. I proposed three years into it and to me it seemed the day she had the ring on her finger (ok I exaggerate a bit - it was like a month) I went from the man of her dreams to the man who could be perfect if only I took certain subtle hints on how to change and become perfect! The relationship finally exhausted me (probably both of us) and we split this last fall due to the "I don't know who I am or what I want in life" syndrome that she caught.

I think the longer the period to the big day - the more likely the long term success of the adventure. Hmmm. Next time I think I will wait six years at least to pop any questions involving the giving of large expensive rocks.

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I went from the man of her dreams to the man who could be perfect if only I took certain subtle hints on how to change and become perfect! .


Oh man! That's a keen observation!

Nothing like serving as raw material for a lady to tweak into a man.

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My girlfriend and I were talking on the phone tonight about marriage and our ideas about it. She brought up how her grandparents got married at 18 and how she really wishes she could do that. I just told her that in this day and age it's so hard to do that anymore.


I honestly want to get through college, find a job, and then when the right time comes, I'll get to it. She's only 17 and she still needs to get through college too. It's going to be awhile, but I can tell she's one that doesn't want to wait for it.

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don't do it man. this is just based on statistics. people your age end up divorced about 95% of the time. it is very hard these days to find trustworthy women, be in complete love, and not give in to temptation. you are both really young. so far the most you both have experienced is school. there is much more to life than that. think it over before you really commit. i think it is good that you have goals first. a few years down the road you might look back like, "wow i can't believe i was considering marrying her." stuff like that could happen.


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My girlfriend and I were talking on the phone tonight about marriage and our ideas about it. She brought up how her grandparents got married at 18 and how she really wishes she could do that. I just told her that in this day and age it's so hard to do that anymore.


I honestly want to get through college, find a job, and then when the right time comes, I'll get to it. She's only 17 and she still needs to get through college too. It's going to be awhile, but I can tell she's one that doesn't want to wait for it.


A couple of things to keep in mind as she brings up that her grandparents got married at 18:


1. People did not have the variety of options for their lives as they do now. This was particularly the case with women, but it's true to some degree for men of previous generations as well. People got married and had kids whether they wanted to or not because that's what you did.


2. Lifespans were shorter. Even as little as a generation or two ago, "til death do us part" at age 18 could end up being 10 or more years less than it would be today.


It's really comparing apples to oranges.


From a realistic, logical standpoint, waiting until you've completed your education and gotten somewhat established in a career makes sense. It's not romantic or fun to start a family if you can't even afford to keep yourself housed, clothed and fed.

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Are you sure Lizziebee? ... really sure? Sometimes third times a charm?

Look at your current trends. You are moving from a 2.25 to a 5.5 ratio and cosidered exponentionally in round numbers you get 31 as the next multiplier. So now you are in the fantastic position to walk down the cake path again because if you wait a mere 1.5 years for him to pop the question you will get more than 45 years out of it! Heck ... who even wants to live that long!

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Hello my dear i1dr....I really do not see it happening although he brought it up just recently, says his ex wife is smitten with me...how often do you hear those words from an ex?? I adore him, love him, he takes me in to his life which is way more adventurous than mine ever was, but we both come from different sides of the rails so to speak...He is my total chemistry laden soulmate warts and all (both of us have em) would I marry him if he asked? right at this moment...yeah I probably would...You are some cool dude you are doc! I like your style....talk soon! Lizzb

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We had been dating for two years, when I was proposed to. I was 15 and he was 17 when we started dating. When I was 17 and he was 19 ,he proposed. We were married at year later at age 18 and 20. It lasted for almost 28 years, and very happily until my husbands death three years ago at age 48.

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