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whats your view on this?


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I am at college and don't attend as much as I should. I do always get my work completed and have never let anyone down in that way. When I missed my train this morning my 'friend' sent me a text saying she is really annoyed at me, that she wanted to practice a presentation with me, that 'I needed to get my act together'. I felt this to be unfair because I am always considerate towards other people and patient if they're not around. I'm always offering advice to her if she needs it. She was really blunt with me and I found it quite upsetting. She said some other hurtful things also and saying she was stressed out.

I know this isn't a huge issue I just wondered people views!

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I kind of agree with her...there is nothing more annoying than counting on someone to be in class (to work on a presentation) and them not go, especially if you don't go fairly often. My friend does the same thing and it bothers me a lot. He is just simply lazy and won't wake up, which makes it worse.

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I can see your points but I've been on the course for nearly 3 years and have never let anyone down on a presentation before and got good marks for it. I felt she could have been a bit more understanding as I asked if we could rearrange 4 tomor instead.

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You may have not let other people down, but you just let her down. Some people have plans how they will do all their work for a week, they arrange times for homework, work, sleep, class, and all the other activities. Its not her fault you did this, she has her own concerns, you can't complain when you are at fault and the other person calls you on it.

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