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Guys..what Would Make Me Stick In Your Mind??


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How long did you date and why did it end? (just curious)



We dated for about a year... I moved overseas so i ended it a few months before I knew I was going away.


I've had a few other guys do this too... a short-term guy, a fling (no surprise there) and a couple other boyfriends.


When one guy who did if after I only knew him for a short time, I just felt extremely flattered.. I really liked his boldness and directness (is there such a word?) of the email.


I don't think its a case of timing for me, but I think in cases where I liked it, its because I'm or was attracted to the guy.


If a guy I wasn't attracted to said that to me I'd just think he was acting a bit silly..but probably still eb flattered.. unless I was totally repulsed by the guy

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That's funny -for me, when I have had that happen with a man I was really attracted to early on it gave me a sinking feeling as in - well guess he doesn't see me as serious girlfriend/future wife material if he'd say something that sexually graphic early on. I was always right about that one. Romantic e-mails - sweet, flirty e-mails - that's great stuff. Graphic details would be a red flag /offend me.

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Yeah.. I find it a turn on... in fact if a guy never' talked dirty' or whatever you want to call it.. I would be more offended.


romantic sweet emails may be nice after being with someone for a while.. but if those are given to me too early on in the relationship I'd get a sinking feeling... I wouldn't want to hear about this early on in a relationship.


I want the guy I'm dating to have that sexual attraction to me.. and I want to hear about it! Even if its early on.

To me, it makes more sense to hear the dirty I-wanna-feel-your sweet type emails early on than a romantic oh-you-have beautiful-eyes'.. The latter just make me want to gag..

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Yes, me too definitely. Just not in a graphic e-mail or phone call early on. I love to hear that there is sexual attraction. I don't need to hear early on graphic descriptions such as the one posted by the OP. There is a time and a place and the OP's e-mail would not be appropriate in either case and I wouldn't like that it was cliche - would make me feel like he sent that to anyone he was dating early on.


I also don't like over the top romantic emails early on but an email that says "I had a lovely time with you and am looking forward to seeing you again on Saturday" is very nice. To each her own.

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