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Guys..what Would Make Me Stick In Your Mind??


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Guys, if a girl sent you an email like this.....would I be on your mind the rest of the day?



You know for some reason I had this thought about being in a car with you, driving around....

(you driving) and me going down on you.....that thought turns me on for some reason.

Maybe it's the exhibitionist in me....

Oh well...there's a thought for the day for you...... thought I'd share!!



I sent this to the guy I'm seeing because I want him to know I lust him, plus I want him to have time to fantasize about me. Will this tactic work??

Any tips you can give, please do!

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Not a guy but yes, the man will have in his mind that you want to perform that act on him, so that will be very effective. Whether he feels comfortable with your approach as far as wanting a long term relationship with you, wanting to introduce you to his close friends and family depends on how he feels about your approach to sex/lust and your "boundaries" (or lack thereof).


If I received an e-mail like that from a man I was dating only a short time I would probably end things right there -- if we had been dating a long time and this was some sort of private joke between us, ok - if not I would have to seriously question whether he respected me.

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Sorry, it sounded like you had been seeing him for a short time. You asked whether he would know you lusted him and whether that would be a good tactic to be on his mind. I said - yes - in a sexual way. For me, I would prefer I be on his mind "just because" - I wouldn't want to feel like I had to use that kind of "tactic" to get me on his mind, particularly in that way. Again, you asked for opinions and that is mine (not so sure it matters whether it's a guy's reaction or not, either). It's not about thinking "less" it's about whether he would think of you in just a sexual way all day or otherwise. All depends what the goal of your tactic is.

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Guys, if a girl sent you an email like this.....would I be on your mind the rest of the day?



You know for some reason I had this thought about being in a car with you, driving around....

(you driving) and me going down on you.....that thought turns me on for some reason.

Maybe it's the exhibitionist in me....

Oh well...there's a thought for the day for you...... thought I'd share!!



I sent this to the guy I'm seeing because I want him to know I lust him, plus I want him to have time to fantasize about me. Will this tactic work??

Any tips you can give, please do!



Will this guy be at work when he receives this email? Could prompt a trouser incident of the 'pitching a tent' variety! Hope he has understanding colleagues!


On a serious note, yes that email would do the trick. It is clear, provocative, sexy and playful. If he has the slightest bit of sexual interest in you he will be thinking of you like crazy for the rest of the day. And may feel the need to use the nearest cubicle for a bit of 'private time'!


All the best, take care...

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Well my opinion on the subject is sounds like your a sexual person and dont have a problem showing it and if you with someone who is the same way then I think that would definitely be on my mind for ummm...... the whole day. I am a very sexual and sensual person as well and love to hear cute lustful things when I cant be with my SO. But I also agree that there has to be part lustful at times and part emotional at times as well, otherwise it could be confused with just wanting a physical aspect in a relationship. But Good Luck with everything!!! I Think he will love the message.



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Sorry Batya, didn;t mean to seem defensive. I understand what you're saying though. Makes sense.

yes I have known him a while and no we haven't done the deed before, but there is a lot of mad flirting!!! So he knows me in a more "emotional" way already.

So guys, should I send this email during work hours ...just for the pure evil of it?? hehehee

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Sorry Batya, didn;t mean to seem defensive. I understand what you're saying though. Makes sense.

yes I have known him a while and no we haven't done the deed before, but there is a lot of mad flirting!!! So he knows me in a more "emotional" way already.

So guys, should I send this email during work hours ...just for the pure evil of it?? hehehee


Yeah, do it! Make him squirm!

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To be quite honest an email like that would leave me with very mixed emotions. On the one hand I could get aroused (but to be honest here - arousal is a dime a dozen) but on the other it would lessen my enthusiasm for the girl. If I were really starting to like someone, the errotic is on the mind but far behind other questions that are of concern as I try to read the tea-leaves. What sort of person is she? How does she look at relationships? Those two would get unsettled. I'm not saying that I would think poorly on the basis of some email that was so dirrect and crudely put but it would not make me feel like I could put more pennies in the "long term investement" jar neither.

I think the part of it that bothers me (yes something bothers me about it that is hard to verbalize - and it's not the suggestion itself) is the lack of discretion. I would love to hear that a person I am developing feelings for has sexual feelings developing for me - but the fact that it is in an email makes all the difference. I wonder if in this case you sent it to a private email or to work. If you sent it to work it could have some pretty poor repercusions. Most work email is monitored and so it would be a case equivalent to sending a post card with all your intimate secrets for all to see. Not good judgement in a partner.


But perhaps I'm making too much of it. A romantic letter would for me have made a wonderful differnce. Gets the point accross, but with a more romantic emphasis - and no chance for the boss hauling you in to give a warning about the terms of use for the company email. (I know of that because I work in IT and I've called people in)


Why didn't you just whisper in his ear. Oh ... but not while actually driving. Don't want a crash!

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Good points.

I would never send an email like that to someones work email. I am very discreet, no worries there. He checks his personal email at work.As far as the other stuff, he knows me on a pretty emotional level. Knows how I feel about him etc, and the feelings seem mutual. I just want to send a fun,playful message that will leave him thinking about me, and what IS to come. Thats all.

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Ok, he works nights at the hospital...so I decided to send it this afternoon before he goes in......



You know for some reason I've been having these wicked thoughts about being in a car with you, driving around....

(you driving) and me going down on you.....that thought turns me on for some reason.

Maybe it's the exhibitionist in me....

Anyway....just wanted to share that with you.....enjoy your drive to work!! link removed



Hehehhee.....I'll let you know how he responds.

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Come on give the girl a break!! She clearly knows this guy better than any of us! Some replies here I've found to be actually quite rude, whether intentionally or not.


I can't see a problem with it. If he does, for whatever reason, take exception to it then maybe he's not the right match for her personality. I'd hate to have to censor myself and my ideas for someone. Kind of sets a precedent doesn't it? And if he does like it then WOOT!

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I agree that he might not be the right match for her personality but my question is whether this is truly her personality or whether, as the OP stated, she is doing this as a "tactic" to get his attention - if just a "tactic" and not truly what she is about it may not give the right impression.

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Guys, if a girl sent you an email like this.....would I be on your mind the rest of the day?



You know for some reason I had this thought about being in a car with you, driving around....

(you driving) and me going down on you.....that thought turns me on for some reason.

Maybe it's the exhibitionist in me....

Oh well...there's a thought for the day for you...... thought I'd share!!



I sent this to the guy I'm seeing because I want him to know I lust him, plus I want him to have time to fantasize about me. Will this tactic work??

Any tips you can give, please do!


I would say... make it LESS lighthearted

and shorter

grab him by the proverbials, a short sharp statement


The jokey element sort of takes away from the seduction element dont make excuses for why you want to do it, just tell him that you want to and he will pick up that he drives you mad with desire


I send messages like this to my boyfriend... he loves them... I say go for it!!!

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Thanks Parsley!!!!!!!!! This is ALL intended for fun and obviously I realize I

can say this stuff to him or I wouldn't even think of it.

I found some of the replies a bit prudish but then I DID ask for advice, so I take it in stride.

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Thanks Parsley!!!!!!!!! This is ALL intended for fun and obviously I realize I

can say this stuff to him or I wouldn't even think of it.

I found some of the replies a bit prudish but then I DID ask for advice, so I take it in stride.


So, is it ok to judge a conservative reply as "prudish" but not ok to judge your approach as perhaps a bit too on the wild side given the circumstances? Just curious - I find that it is perfectly fine to label a traditional type as "uptight" or "prudish" but to judge someone as a bit too wild is not appropriate for some reason.


Having said that, I don't think it's prudish in the least to refrain from sending the e-mail you described- you have your "tactics" -- rather than have "tactics", I want to make sure a new man in my life doesn't get the misimpression that I am eager to have casual sex or have sex on the brain.


It all depends on what your goal is -

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