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Anyone need a hug. I know I do!


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I know most of you guys are hurting today. For all those who are hurting today. Here is a nice big hug, from a big hearted Greek stud from New York (Sorry guys, that was for the ladies) . Oh, what the heck, a hug for the guys too.


I can use one also. Day 50 of NC.


We are going to get through this. I will take time, but all of you are going to come out of this stronger. JUST STICK TO NC, or SuperDave will come after you. LOL


Happy Valentine Day everyone.


I love you all.


God Bless!

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To fellow musician drum4God, Eva-Gina, Nappy and Pink Floyd fan jen4413 (awesome - my favorite band next to the Beatles): BIG HUG!!


Today is a painful day for a lot of us. Tomorrow, we pick up the pieces and go on. Tonight, just let it all out. Get it out of our systems. If only we could, but we can still try and still hope...


It's sort of like how Christmas is sometimes depressing for some of us. It is a time when those who love each other reach out to each other but the pain is there because it feels like someone is not reaching out to us... and on Valentines Day we are painfully aware because we know exactly who we want to be reaching out to us. So, thankfully, because of this site, we all have someone to hear our cries and our pain...



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Hugs to all!


I know for me, there is only one person who could truly heal me with a hug - and she is very far away right now...in every meaning of "far away" that you could possibly imagine.


I know she won't call today - she probably thinks it would just hurt me more - but I still have hope. I won't answer if she calls but I really hope she does...it would make me feel...something...


Thanks for the e-hugs anyway! Happy Broken Heart day!


Day 14 of NC

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Hugs for all!


I felt all sad when I came downstairs and saw the cards my parents had got for each other. But then I got to have a quick squeeze of my nephew (7 months old). I asked him to be my Valentine and he squeaked, so I'm fairly sure that was a yes. I got lots of slobbery "kisses" and the best smiles you could possibly hope for, so it's all good. It hasn't been an easy day - you all know how your mind can run away with you. But now, thinking about it, I blatently had a better day than I would if I was with my ex. Definitely wouldn't have received anything, probably would have ended up going to his, watching dvds and sleeping together, which is what happened about hmm....99.9% of the times I saw him.


Woop woop for babies and DIY and all that un-V day jazz!

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Hey drum4God: I know the feeling. We tend to think after we've suffered there will automatically be light at the end of the tunnel. The problem is we're still looking at the dark end of the tunnel and expecting to see a glimmer (at least I make the mistake of doing that) but it never comes. I sent my ex an email yesterday regarding the band (not about us) and was hoping she would reply but nothing came so I don't know if she's looked at her mail and won't answer or she just hasn't checked it yet. She has ADS so it's hard for her to stay focused. Even giving her the benefit of doubt I'm still down. IT SUCKS AND I'M TIRED OF IT TOO. I guess that's considered breaking NC but I sent her lyrics for a show we're doing tomorrow night. Guess I'm expecting too much too soon. Hang in there, man. I know exactly what you're feeling....

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anyone start crying when they hear certain songs? I've been doing this all week!

Man, I hope I never get that depressed again. It took me a long time to be able to stand hearing certain tunes, and I'd sure hate for it to happen again with a whole new set. Hope you feel better soon, Sunshine3.


A round of frosty, foamy, beechwood-aged hugs for everybody in the place!

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anyone start crying when they hear certain songs? I've been doing this all week!


ughhhh YES... just absolutely bawling...my ex loves country...whenever i hear country in general i feel like poop. There's certain songs, though that I instantly tear up.


I was watching the OC the other night, it was the episode where Summer meets Seth at the airport. She gives him a hug and he says "My baby's back!!"

I started crying sooo hard... my ex said this to me everytime i'd see him (long distance relationship)

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