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Anyone NOT seeing your boyfriend or girlfriend today for Valentine's Day?


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I'm not, AND I have a snow day from school, so today is a whole lot of relaxing and getting things done! I'm seeing my boyfriend on the weekend. I plan to take advantage of all the clearanced silly little Valentine's Day plushies and junk to give to him all in one big bag, just to be cute, and then we're going to go out in particular for V-Day over the weekend.


I like Valentine's Day, but I'm realizing how easy it is to just pick your own day to celebrate it. During the week is tough, there's too much to get done with work and college. Although I have a snow day while he's got work so I have more time than him ; )


Soooo, anyone else just waiting for the weekend instead to actually celebrate it and go out?



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I am not seeing my bf because we work and live in different towns (approx. 200 km apart). I don't mind, V-day is not a big deal in Holland at all. However, I have the sweetest little thing to share here:


This morning, first thing, I decided to send the funniest-yet-sweetest e-card I could find. Most of them are either cheesy or have a fee. So I bumped on to gotya cards. And picked a silly sheep animation, in which a sheep is lying on the meadow watching the sky. Suddenly a box falls out of the sky, it opens and another sheep steps out to give sheep a big cuddly hug. LOL.


After I sent it, I checked my email and found a message from gotya that my bf sent me an ecard. I thought... Oh NOOO, I filled in the fields wrong and now I sent myself an ecard. I mean that can happen in the morning, right? lol. I opened the card, and my bf sent me a very similar sheep card, just another one but with the same kind of message.


That was just too coincidental, although it happens a lot (I will think of him and then he sends me a message or calls and vice versa that happens to him as well!).




Ok, so maybe I can just conclude that I miss my bf anyway, V-day doesn't make that any worse or better



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I wont see my bf until late late Sunday night and even then a big deal wont be made Valentine's Day we'll probably just go out to eat and we both got our son a huge stuffed Gorilla instead of getting each other something. It sucks not seeing him of course but it sucks everyday of the week I dont see why today should be any different.

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I'm not, AND I have a snow day from school, so today is a whole lot of relaxing and getting things done! I'm seeing my boyfriend on the weekend. I plan to take advantage of all the clearanced silly little Valentine's Day plushies and junk to give to him all in one big bag, just to be cute, and then we're going to go out in particular for V-Day over the weekend.


I like Valentine's Day, but I'm realizing how easy it is to just pick your own day to celebrate it. During the week is tough, there's too much to get done with work and college. Although I have a snow day while he's got work so I have more time than him ; )


Soooo, anyone else just waiting for the weekend instead to actually celebrate it and go out?




You have a snow day today? Grrrrr, no fair, why can't I get one of those!


I will be seeing my dear wife at home tonight and we will be doing the gift exchanges then! At least that was the plan until she slipped her V.Card into my bag this morning without me noticing, the cheeky girl! So I've been out lunchtime and bought her a whole load of stuff! Valentines day one-upmanship, that's what it's all about!


I am with you completely when you say that midweek is not the best time though. After a hard days work, then getting home, ironing my shirt for tomorrow, cooking dinner, feeling shattered! Not really the right build-up is it?


Oh well, got to be done. Keep the romance alive and all that! Enjoy the rest of your day at home, I'm not jealous.....honest.......grrrrrrrrrr!

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I'll be spending my day at class, then at work til 1am. And he is 2 hours away, so no, we won't be seeing each other. And there's about a half hour's time before I go to class that we can talk on the phone too. LAME! lol


But I spent a day with him last weekend, and when I walked in the apartment there was a shiney red bag sitting on top of the steps with my name on it. =) Plus, he's coming home tomorrow, assuming his car is fixed by then, for 4 days. I have no complaints there!

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Its nice to see you guys saving Vday for a another day. Good timing.


I didnt spend mine too(though after planning so many things)....i refused coz got upset time and time again. Feel sorry for my gf but i just dont know what to say to her..


Happy V day everyone.

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Happy Val Day to all of you positive thinkers!!!!


I'm snowed in today too with my kiddies. They are getting out all of their stuffed animals, making tents and whatnot! Ah to be a kid again! All of this sparked by them getting a couple new stuffed animals from me this morning for Val day.


My boyfriend chose to drive home yesterday. Sooo - He's kinda snowed in an hour from me. Not sure if I'll be seeing him today or not. He seems to like to keep me guessing... Sooo - when I see him, I'll give him his gifts...


Have a great day All!

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I've been dating my boyfriend for 3 years now. First year we went all our for valentines day. Since then we realized it's stupid so we don't anymore. This year I'm not spending it with him I'm going out with friends and so is he. Valentines shouldn't just be all about your boyfriend or girlfriend I mean why not spend it with your friends.

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I like Valentine's Day, but I'm realizing how easy it is to just pick your own day to celebrate it. During the week is tough, there's too much to get done with work and college. Although I have a snow day while he's got work so I have more time than him ; )


This is a concept that makes absolutely no sense to me. Vday is Feb14. One day and one day only. You can designate another day to be special, but it's not Vday. If you miss it, you have to wait another 365 days for the next one.


My boyfriend and I are having a dispute over this (a friendly one, of course). He says he got me something special, but I have to wait 2 weeks until he comes to visit me before I receive it. I told him that it's always nice to receive a present (I won't say no!) but it's not a Vday present. It's just a random present unless it's given on Vday.


Okay, that's my rant for today.

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This is a concept that makes absolutely no sense to me. Vday is Feb14. One day and one day only. You can designate another day to be special, but it's not Vday. If you miss it, you have to wait another 365 days for the next one.


Oh, who cares. We can't get together so why miss out entirely? To me, that doesn't make any sense. Why can't we or any other couple celebrate it on another day if we can't on the designated day? Having it be during the week and it not being a good time is a perfect reason to not get upset over having to wait. Positive out of a negative, hello!

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