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That One Summer Day



it was a cold dark day as he sat there afraid/ starring at this arm at the scar that he made/ her distant message "I Love You" on the wall/ the dying pain in his face the girl he loved never saw/ memories of those summer night remain in his head/ along with the things that she once said/ she was his life, but shes gone now/ hes trying to be strong, bue shes not there to show him how/ the person he thought could save his life can now take it away/ but she never knew the price that theyd pay/ he holds the poisen close to his mouth/ thinking to himself "i guess forever only lasted until now"/ as he was about to take hold and make the biggest mistake/ he remembered the promise he had made/


he mouthed "i love her too much to leave her this way"/ as he stood there starring at the wall at the words she wrote that summer day..


chorus x2

do you remember when it was just you and me

and the only problem we had was how late i would be

from sneaking out, and now i look back

just know that i love you, remember that fact



it saved his life this time, but would it do it again?/ life is so much harder than it was back then/ hours turn to days, and days turn into a week/ it took time to get through the past, but they began to speak/ the hearbreaking words that stained her cheeks/ hes back to fill in the cracks of the love her heart seeks/ but its different now because of the pain she put him through/ suddenly hes not the same smiling face she once knew/ she doesnt trust herself with the gift of his heart anymore/ not stable enough, no, wont break his heart anymore/ as they get closer, his problem seems to get worse/ he knows he cant be with her for now and it hurts/ he tries to hold in and see the comfort she wished he'd find/ but no matter what, the constant thought was always on his mind/ as the weeks went by, he made two more tries to succeed/ the love he had for her was overcome by depression and greed/


he mouthed "i love her too much to leave her this way"/ as he stood there starring at the wall at the words she wrote that summer day..


chorus x 2



she never thought shed have someone whod care about her like this/ unspoken words hid behind their every kiss/ the summer turned to cold but its too much to let go/ she doesnt want to hurt him, but she needs to let him know/ his pain is strong, and its becoming to be too hard/ chosing his life over hers, she didnt know itd get this far/ he almost threw away their love with a terrible note/ out of anger and rage, he tore down those words she worte/ he gave it to her as his last goodbye/ as she starred at the words, it was too hard to not cry/ their fragile souls were caught in the hands of fate/ who knew that her message would save him before it was too late/ time went by as they try to make it through/ took some time before she realized what she had to do/ this was the hardest thing for her to watch him go/ but he needs the help, and the support she would show/ as they days went by, it would be unbearable for her/ things from the past came back to clash with what had just occurred/ you never realize what you have until the day its not there/ sometimes the people you love are taken away, and its just not fair/ but hes back now, and their injuries are all in the dust/ "because from now on, its just about us"/ and now everytime he gets upset, he looks back on that day/


the day he mouthed "i love her too much to leave her this way"/ as he stood there starring at the wall at the words she wrote that summer day..


chorus x 2

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