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Valentine's Day and Finding BF's Personal Ad

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Ughh... before I unlogged from here and messenger he IM'd me and we had it out. And yes, basically he tried to tell me it wasn't him who logged in on January 28th... broke up with me because "he didn't want to be in a relationship with someone who had to check up on him" and "didn't trust him as completely as he trusted" me. Ugh.. it got ugly... and now I'm so miserable.


I hate valentine's Day. I hate it.





Stuff Valentine's Day... it means nothing.


Stick to your guns and start No Contact!


He doesn't deserve you.

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Ughh... before I unlogged from here and messenger he IM'd me and we had it out. And yes, basically he tried to tell me it wasn't him who logged in on January 28th... broke up with me because "he didn't want to be in a relationship with someone who had to check up on him" and "didn't trust him as completely as he trusted" me. Ugh.. it got ugly... and now I'm so miserable.


I hate valentine's Day. I hate it.


Sorry you are miserable, but it's not Valentines Day.


How many people let others log into their accounts? Not many that I know of, not any I know of.

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lol I know it's not Valentine's Day... but tomorrow is. Never good to break up on Valentine's Day... but it's not good to break up the day before either. lol It's supposed to be the day you share your loving appreciation for the people you care about most in the world... not dump them.

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My question would be "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I could see a guy having an older ad and going onto it for a few reasons, but this guy updated the ad, and he did so for a reason. Moreover, LOOK AT WHAT HE IS SEEKING! Are you into group sex and alternative activities? Dump him, don't explain why, just end it.


EXACTLY, I agree with Beec and Batya all the way on this!!!

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Ughh... before I unlogged from here and messenger he IM'd me and we had it out. And yes, basically he tried to tell me it wasn't him who logged in on January 28th... broke up with me because "he didn't want to be in a relationship with someone who had to check up on him" and "didn't trust him as completely as he trusted" me. Ugh.. it got ugly... and now I'm so miserable.


I hate valentine's Day. I hate it.


He backed out because he felt backed into a corner - the rat!


BTW, no offense to the "armed forces" or anything, but just because I guy is a vet or dresses in uniform, it doesn't mean anything about who he is. In fact, having known many men in the US Military, I look at their service as a drawback more than a bragging right. Many military personel I've known have left a lot to be desired when it comes to honor and integrity on an interpersonal level, no matter what the US government feeds us. No offense to anyone, but there's another perspective I wanted to share.

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He backed out because he felt backed into a corner - the rat!


BTW, no offense to the "armed forces" or anything, but just because I guy is a vet or dresses in uniform, it doesn't mean anything about who he is. In fact, having known many men in the US Military, I look at their service as a drawback more than a bragging right. Many military personel I've known have left a lot to be desired when it comes to honor and integrity on an interpersonal level, no matter what the US government feeds us. No offense to anyone, but there's another perspective I wanted to share.



the men I know who come from the army have this "I am invincible/alwys right" thing going on.

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