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How Scummy is this Player ?


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"Oh woe is me, it was all a hilarious joke, how could you have be so thick as to not have seen, oh I am sooooo hurt and upset by this, blah blah blah"


How very clever of him to make some half baked attempt at manipulating you into doubting yourself. He is an utter fool and deserves no more of your time.

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Have you had conversations similar to that in the past that were joking around?



Not at all.

And I wasn't aware that he had a sense of humor.

Not a joking around kind of a guy.

I think he was merely deflecting his inappropriate request.

Anyway, I'm certain I will never ever hear from him again.

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Jerk. Just because you're not amused by his lovely, sensitive proposal, he makes it YOUR fault.


Just write him off and keep blocking him. Tell your family if you have to so they can help keep him away too. I can't imagine wanting to be friends with someone so insensitive (if its a joke) or so disgusting (if it was serious).

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Oh my lord. I have to block his email right now.

He actually is trying to make me feel bad......

He emailed me that he is very hurt right now because the last girl he dated was a "total psycho" and thanks a lot to me for upsetting him with my freak out.


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Oh my lord. I have to block his email right now.

He actually is trying to make me feel bad......

He emailed me that he is very hurt right now because the last girl he dated was a "total psycho" and thanks a lot to me for upsetting him with my freak out.


JERK!!!! Manipulating this to all be about him. If that's not a huge red flag I don't what is.


How could any one make this your fault? You're the one recovering from surgery and he's the one making inappropriate comments. It doesn't matter if it was a joke, it was still tacky.


If you feel you need to respond just tell him you don't care if it was a joke, either way you felt it was inappropriate and don't need to be treated like that.


Also, any guy that thinks your going to go total psycho cuz you didn't laugh at his joke is a real fruitcake. Right now the only person you need to be worried about is you.

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Why are you still talking to this guy? Why haven't you blocked him already?




Oh he's blocked..He had a second email he used to send me stuff when I blocked the first one. Now thats blocked too.

I've decided he's not only sleazy, he is also kinda deranged too.

Easy to run away from him now.


Thanks for your kind words btw.

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Oh he's blocked..He had a second email he used to send me stuff when I blocked the first one. Now thats blocked too.

I've decided he's not only sleazy, he is also kinda deranged too.

Easy to run away from him now.


Thanks for your kind words btw.


I agree about the deranged part and sleazy part. He's a nut.

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