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Does this consider flirting/player???


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Here i go with this question... does this really consider flirting or so call a player???


okae here goes the senery... i think i spell it wrong anyway...


i met up with some friends at a club... i brought this friend name steve (name have been change) with me who doesn't know my other friends... then my other guys friends came along... was kidding around with me... like i would with them... i was asking my friend where's my beer... somehow we go into this conversation about stripping... my friend said if i would strip he would pay me... i had a jacket, a poloshirt and a tanktop on.... ofcourse my other friend didn't know that... so i took my jacket off and said where's my money and he said there's nothing to see yet... so i said if i am going to take my poloshirt off you would pay me right... he said yea... but what he didn't know is i have a tanktop under it... so i took off my poloshirt ofcourse he refuse to pay me cause i still have a tanktop on... whenever i see my guy friends i would give them a hug...



so my friend steve finally told me that i am a player and a flirt ... if you don't know me... would you consider me a flirt or a player if you saw what happpen there???

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Sounds like it was just a bit of fun, yeah maybe could be called flirting, i wouldnt class you as a player though! If anything, the phrase i would use is being a tease


I disagree with ghost69 there, its not being whorish....she kept her clothes on!!


Why does his opinion bother you, do you like this "steve"??

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so it's only consider flirty??? well i kind of like this steve guy... but he doesn't like me... as long as i am single i can be flirty right...


i didn't get to read what ghost69 wrote... but i assuming it's not nice since it got delete... and from what dizzydoris referring to his comment seems like ghost69 call me a whor... like dizzydoris said i had my clothes on... if i didn't have my clothes on it would be a different story... but i HAD MY CLOTHES ON..... And it was just friends messing around... anyway thanks for letting me know it's just flirting... not a player...

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An uptight guy would definitely find it flirty and offensive.

I agree with that assessment. I've known girls to pull that stuff with no money involved, and always got a laugh. I turn it around on the girl though -- a buddy of mine jokingly (I assumed) offered $ to a girl in a club once to take her top off. I said desperate times call for desperate measures or something to that effect which was a slam on her -- if I remember she punched me for that one...


If what you did constitutes being a player then the word has been redefined as far as I'm concerned.

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Its one thing to do it as a joke and you had no intention of actually getting nakes for money. I flirt with girls like that all the time, it has no meaning and its just for fun.


I don't think Steve has a good sense of humor. What I wonder is why he even cares. My ex-girlfriend had lots of guy friends and they did stuff like this all the time and it never bothered me so it shouldn't bother him when you aren't even dating.


PLUS they are you friends, not some random guy.

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So what is consider a player???? so far everyone that reply back to my question consider what i did was just a flirt... ofcourse what i did was out of fun and jokes that's it... i didn't get naked... or take any money from my friend... ended up putting my shirt back on.... i wouldn't do it... if it was some random guy.... i only did it cause it was my friends.. and i know i can joke around with them...


i wonder why steve would care since he is just a friend ... but he was the one who brought that situation up... so now i wonder too... i guess i wouldn't know why steve would care unless i ask him...


anyway thanks again for all the reply....

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