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Selfish in the Bedroom


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Ok, the odor thing can be fixed..have you been to a gynecologist recently? If not just try to stay healthy don't junk food, drink lots of water like everyone else said but most importantly to keep everything balanced down there you should also take Lactobacillus acidophilus everyday, this bacteria lives in your vagina, and when there is extreme heat, moisture or direct sunlight it can cause the bacteria to die, meaning that your vagina will be unbalanced inside maybe causing it to have that acidic smell or taste. Eat yogurt too because it contains lactobacillus acidophilus, but if you don't like yogurt, or you're too busy just buy the pills, they should be like $3-$5 at the pharmacy. This stuff is great, it keeps your intestines healthy, prevents yeast infections and bv.

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Do you eat a lot of garlic or spicy foods? That can make the make your vagina smell different. If you drink cranberry juice and lots of water it should help keep a good balance of the bacteria in the vagina. There low pH (acidic) cran juice will help make the vaginal area more acidic which can kill odor causing bacteria. The acidity also helps reduce the risk of urinary track infections. Drink at least 64 oz of water to keep you hydrated, that will mean you're also better lubricated for sex as well.


Another thing to do is to eat live yogurt cultures, that can help the bacteria balance as well.


Don't forget fried food as well. I heard that affects the odor as well. I believe all this stuff applies to the taste as well (for both men and women). Correct me if I am incorrect but I seem to remember reading that.

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Don't forget fried food as well. I heard that affects the odor as well. I believe all this stuff applies to the taste as well (for both men and women). Correct me if I am incorrect but I seem to remember reading that.

Yep, guys can get a funk, too. Garlic and onions will make a guys ejaculate bitter. Alcohol, smoking, also will effect it. Asparagus is bad. If it makes your urine stick it makes the seminal fluid stink.


Pineapple works well as a sweetener.


Flavored lubes can be used to help cover the taste. Be careful putting anything like syrup or chocolate or sugary foods in or near the vagina. The sugar feeds the bacteria that can cause odor and it can also lead to yeast infections.

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I'm not sure if that's true, I mean everyone is different. I ate the same thing I did before as I do now, when I had the same problem. Drinking the l. acidophilus really helped me, now I don't smell the acid or taste it. Lots of cranberry juice like Carnelian said is also helpful.

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Do you eat a lot of garlic or spicy foods? That can make the make your vagina smell different. If you drink cranberry juice and lots of water it should help keep a good balance of the bacteria in the vagina. There low pH (acidic) cran juice will help make the vaginal area more acidic which can kill odor causing bacteria. The acidity also helps reduce the risk of urinary track infections. Drink at least 64 oz of water to keep you hydrated, that will mean you're also better lubricated for sex as well.


Another thing to do is to eat live yogurt cultures, that can help the bacteria balance as well.

thank you for your advice here


Hmmm interesting. Maybe he only does the 69 oral because he is getting it too so he isnt dwelling on the odor or even thinking about it. That is all I can think of.


I think you are doing the right things though like what was said earlier.


thanks, and i can see your point there, thank you


Ok, the odor thing can be fixed..have you been to a gynecologist recently? If not just try to stay healthy don't junk food, drink lots of water like everyone else said but most importantly to keep everything balanced down there you should also take Lactobacillus acidophilus everyday, this bacteria lives in your vagina, and when there is extreme heat, moisture or direct sunlight it can cause the bacteria to die, meaning that your vagina will be unbalanced inside maybe causing it to have that acidic smell or taste. Eat yogurt too because it contains lactobacillus acidophilus, but if you don't like yogurt, or you're too busy just buy the pills, they should be like $3-$5 at the pharmacy. This stuff is great, it keeps your intestines healthy, prevents yeast infections and bv.


I am really uncomfortable with going to a gyno, i will only strip down infront of my GP, but I do need to eat healthier, so will definitely try that, good motivation lol. thanks for the info about the pills for the lactobacillus acidophilus as I HATE yoghurt


Yep, guys can get a funk, too. Garlic and onions will make a guys ejaculate bitter. Alcohol, smoking, also will effect it. Asparagus is bad. If it makes your urine stick it makes the seminal fluid stink.


Pineapple works well as a sweetener.


Flavored lubes can be used to help cover the taste. Be careful putting anything like syrup or chocolate or sugary foods in or near the vagina. The sugar feeds the bacteria that can cause odor and it can also lead to yeast infections.


i love pineapple juice, can't stop drinking the stuff lol... but dont knwo if it has any effect on girls, i drink it coz it' tastes good though lol

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I eat yogurt everyday.....maybe that has something to do with it...


TM..The girl you were talking about was either really dirty or had an STD for her to smell that pungent. I used to shower with 40 girls in school after PE and I never once smelled another girls crotch filling the room up...so I bet she was filth or loaded with something...lol

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Yep, guys can get a funk, too. Garlic and onions will make a guys ejaculate bitter. Alcohol, smoking, also will effect it. Asparagus is bad. If it makes your urine stick it makes the seminal fluid stink.


Pineapple works well as a sweetener.


Flavored lubes can be used to help cover the taste. Be careful putting anything like syrup or chocolate or sugary foods in or near the vagina. The sugar feeds the bacteria that can cause odor and it can also lead to yeast infections.


I guess I'm all good then. I haven't had alcohol, cigarettes, garlic, onions, asparagus is over 10 years time. No coffee or fried food (other than an occasional french fries order) either.


I guess I must taste good though I wouldn't try to taste it. And I can't ask my woman because she can't compare it to me when I was eating those food way baack when. Hmmmm.


I once tried that with a vagina with an ex. Put chocolate syrup in there and whipped cream. Was kind of fun but got old.

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I eat yogurt everyday.....maybe that has something to do with it...


So do I and cranberry juice, most of my calories are spent on eating things that are for health benefiting purposes.


I thought I'd try cranberry pills to limit the sugar intake, but found they don't have as much effect and there is research that shows the pills can cause increased risk of kidney stones (those hurt like heck no thank you).

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, he either came on here and read my topic (even though my nick here has nothing to do with my other nicknames i use anywhere else, and he doesnt know I come here lol) or he is a mind reader..


i swear he threw me on the bed and 4 hours later i could not move.. it is the best foreplay and sex i have had.. ever. sure there was some 69 in there but it was fantastic, i also got some without having to do anything to him.. then we talked


we figured out that he loves doing it but didn't think i liked getting it because i didn't ask him for it all the time, i told him that i didn't think I should have to ask, he doesn't have to ask me.. so we are all sorted.. thanks for everyones advice here

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He's a lucky man, I wish my wife was as forthcoming as you are. I am in a similar situation, except the opposite way around.... I am always the one "going down", and never get any in return. I have found that if the honey pot is well and truly moist before going down there, that the smell and taste, are pretty much non-existant....?

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yea on the weekend i noticed that there was a little bit of a taste to start, but about 2 mins afterwards that had gone (i kiss him afterwards so I know what the taste is like)


he said he had no problems with the taste, it's the smell that is there sometimes that gets to him, but if it's too bad he said he would just as happily finger me instead, and never wants me to go without again


hootz, it can be hard when it feels like it's one sided, i'd try talking to her, honestly find out why she doesnt want to do it, and try and work around it good luck and i hope you come to a great compromise

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^^^ good on ya kr356!!

and hootz... do you ask her to return the favour?


I once tried that with a vagina with an ex. Put chocolate syrup in there and whipped cream. Was kind of fun but got old.



thrush city!!! yeast feeds on sugar!!!

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^^^ good on ya kr356!!

and hootz... do you ask her to return the favour?





thrush city!!! yeast feeds on sugar!!!




thanks Eva!


and i agree, i must have missed that reply.. thrush city... *cringes*

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you can also buy latex sheets for oral sex... very much like condoms for men, except for use on women during oral sex.. i can't think of the exact name for them, vaginal dams i think? anyway, he can place the sheet over you, about the size of a Kleenex and doesn't block your pleasure but maybe helps him out in the taste/smell dept....

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you can also buy latex sheets for oral sex... very much like condoms for men, except for use on women during oral sex.. i can't think of the exact name for them, vaginal dams i think? anyway, he can place the sheet over you, about the size of a Kleenex and doesn't block your pleasure but maybe helps him out in the taste/smell dept....


Dental dams.


never heard of those, will keep them in mind, thank you

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hootz, it can be hard when it feels like it's one sided, i'd try talking to her, honestly find out why she doesnt want to do it, and try and work around it good luck and i hope you come to a great compromise


She said that she "just doesn't like doing it". And she says that she is "sexually shy", even though I encourage her, and tell her tat there is noting to worry about, or anything to be shy about. I am even finding it hard to initiate sex, due to the fact that she is not overly receptive to any sort of romance etc.... and along with most males, I can't stand rejection......

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that sounds so difficult for you hootz, why doesn't she like doing it, there has to be a reason.. is she scared of biting you? or doesnt like the feel of cum in her mouth etc? maybe there is a way around it.... i can understand the sexually shy thing, before my current partner i was very shy.. didnt want to try anything new, but because my partner was so understanding and patient i was more adventurous


hope it allw orks out for you

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