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Talking to girlfriend on the phone


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What do you usually talk about? IT seems like after awhile we just run out of things to talk about and there's silence. I hate when that happens. I mean after we ask how we're doing, how school went, and what we're doing right now, there's really not much I can say. I want to be more social with her. Ideas?

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how long have you been going out for? tell her that you dont really like talking on the phone that much and that you like talking to her in person better.

I had the same thing with my boyfriend but it wasnt akward or anything cuz we went out for three years.

Do you have a cell phone with tex msging? that REALLY helps or msn/. because you dont have to say much and it takes more time.

plus if u do have tex msging she will love the hear the sound of her ring tone and know that it is you.


good luck

~ chantal ~

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My bf and I have lots of silences. At first it was pretty ackward, still can be, but I no longer feel like I have to fiil up every second with chit-chat. If its silent for a while, Ill just say, "okay, Im gonna get going"- or something like that. Its okay to not have to have long conversations every time you talk. Doesn't mean anything is wrong or that theres something to worry about. Pretty normal I think.

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My boyfriend and I are long-distance, so you'd think we'd be talking non-stop, right? Not exactly. We have plenty of silent moments (usually because he's playing WoW) but if neither of us have much to say, we'll just hang up. It doesn't mean there's a problem if you're not having hour long conversations every night, especially if you see each other every day.

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There's always a silence...but we talk about daily events, the news and keep talking. We don't talk like we used to when we first met...wow...non-stop for four~five hours everyday. I don't know what we talked about but we talked about everything out there.


We've given each other space though, just because we're both busy, me moving soon and I let her enjoy her free time while I go out and do the same. Space is good!

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How long have you been going out? If you are in the stage where you are comfortable saying "I love you" or if you have come inside jokes or anything, that can make it easier. I know whenever my bf and I have nothing to talk about---we talk about each other lol. A good "i love you" is always a good silence-killer.

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