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How dare he!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I'm tooooooooooooooooooooooo angry! Thought i'd share it with you and maybe you can tell me what the hell is wrong with men nowadays.


Been talking to this guy that i met on a dating date. Then we started talking on MSN on and off. All his been trying to do is sleep with me.


Today he asked me if i wanted to sleep with him and if his body temps me? I have neer met him before. I said no thank you i am ready to man a nice because i've had enough of sleeping around then he had a cheek to say i wasn't hot enough for him away. What is that all about?


He said good bye then i blocked him.

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What a rat....good call in blocking him, you don't need to deal with people like that. Did he actually think that was smooth? If he felt the need to insult you're appearance on top of it shows that he really isn't as confident and mature as he lets on.

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Some people aren't interested in a relationship, they are interested in sex.


Don't waste your time even caring about what this guy thinks. He isn't worth it.


You aren't hot enough for him? He obviously didn't think so before you turned down his request.

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Why are men generalized like this? You have a couple bad experiences and men are generalized as players.


If I used that logic, I would generalize women as needy, emotionally unstable and two faced.


Clearly that isn't true. Why would what you've said about men be true as well? I truly resent what you've said. I try to be an honest, genuine person as much as I can and try to cultivate MEANINGFUL relationships with people I meet, not for the sole purpose of dating, sleeping or having sex.

I'm old fashioned, love art and history, I'm romantic and concerned about the wellbeing of others. I want to make a better community for everyone, I want to live and travel and meet people without the sole intention of getting laid.


So why am I being slotted like this?

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Been talking to this guy that i met on a dating date. Then we started talking on MSN on and off. All his been trying to do is sleep with me.


That was your first warning sign....not a GOOD man..... RUN!



Today he asked me if i wanted to sleep with him and if his body temps me? I have neer met him before. I said no thank you i am ready to man a nice because i've had enough of sleeping around then he had a cheek to say i wasn't hot enough for him away. What is that all about?


You regected him & shot him down. So because of his lack of maturity, he takes it like a child & puts you down.


That's it. He didn't mean it, because obviously you were hot enough for him or he wouldn't have been trying to sleep with you.

BUT when you regected him, he wanted to hurt your feelings too.


Dont take it personal...and you were totally right to block him. Next time do it when he shows the warning signs of being less than a quality man. When he began displaying what he is really looking for...drop them.

Save your time & energy for a good man, a gentleman, kind & respectful one. wish you luck & happiness.

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hey there skyblue,


Ugh, sounds like you found a poor example of a person on the net! Good thing you blocked him, forget him.


Anyway, generalizing this to be a property of all men is not gonna help you. I know you are angry, now. But there are a lot of sweeties out there. Maybe you are on a dating site that is primarily about finding mates for sex or short adventures. I have no experience in internet dating, but I know from friends that it took them a long time to find a decent dating site. Do you have parship in the UK?


For now, treat yourself to a good evening of relaxation, take a long bath, have chocolates and watch a movie with a girlfriend for instance. Put this in the Book of Experiences in a footnote with a reminder to yourself that not every man reflects something about all men or about yourself. This is just one man. Don't waste your time in a negative way, just rant and vent, and treat yourself as a queen if no one else does





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omg... what a loser!!!


I've had the same problems on dating sites...

You'd think if all they wanted was to get some, they'd go to adultfriendfinder or something... but on a respectable dating site, i don't know what they're thinking. Some guys are such jerks

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I've had that happen a few times the one time I put up an ad on craigslist. I had a few guys respond to me and one of them was very put out that I didnt want to hang out with him at his place. I was like "Urm, you've never met me before and you want me to COME OVER and hang out?? Yeah right". He got kind of snippy about me not wanting to come over or meet the night he called.


Some men can be like that. Usually, they are just only looking for one thing, a one night stand. They are jerks.

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I'm tooooooooooooooooooooooo angry! Thought i'd share it with you and maybe you can tell me what the hell is wrong with men nowadays.


Been talking to this guy that i met on a dating date. Then we started talking on MSN on and off. All his been trying to do is sleep with me.


Today he asked me if i wanted to sleep with him and if his body temps me? I have neer met him before. I said no thank you i am ready to man a nice because i've had enough of sleeping around then he had a cheek to say i wasn't hot enough for him away. What is that all about?


He said good bye then i blocked him.



the pathetic little prat!!!

Your not hot enough for him? What is he? Michelangelo's "David"?


I met a guy once, we made out a bit, then the next week he said he didnt want to go out with me. I was releived, I wanted him physically but he wasnt the kind of guy to commit to, so I said that was fine. He flew off the handle!!! "YOU F'IN * * * *!!"


what? he didnt want to date me anyway!!!


Egos are such delicate things

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Yep, there are a LOT of jerks out there particularly on those sites.


And Yep, Jen is spot on describing your looks so that is about as far from the true issue as could be.


This guy just figured if he can't get exactly what he wants it's perfectly okay to make himself feel like you're the insane one (very wrong) and figures he's allowed also to be rude about it (again, very wrong).


FWIW, it does actually happen both ways, meaning there are women on the sites who don't always treat the guys with the respect they should. It would be nice to think people of this type, both men and women, are in the minority.


Anyway, blocking him is certainly the thing to do.

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This is "good news" you had the self respect to say "no", and then he ran away like a big baby who took his toys and went home.. good riddens, and he's just "one" guy.. he's not "all men".. and you don't need to explain in the future to ANYONE about "having slept around too much already"... start a new beginning for yourself, and just keep up with the standard you have set by saying "NO" to this guy... yuk, he's a creep.. thank god he's gone... big baby.

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FWIW, it does actually happen both ways, meaning there are women on the sites who don't always treat the guys with the respect they should. It would be nice to think people of this type, both men and women, are in the minority.



I have a friend who was talking to this girl who told him if he didnt change his cell-phone company over to hers she would stop talking to him... (she wanted to make it cheaper to keep in touch with him)


He never bothered replying


A huge amoutn of gold-diggers on those sites... which I find quite hilarious

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Sorry you had to go through that.


Be glad he showed you his true colors early on so that you could weed him out faster. At least he did not get a chance to waste any more of your time.


Don't lose faith in men. There are good ones out there. That one was just a jerk but he does not represent all of them,



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I'm tooooooooooooooooooooooo angry! Thought i'd share it with you and maybe you can tell me what the hell is wrong with men nowadays.


Been talking to this guy that i met on a dating date. Then we started talking on MSN on and off. All his been trying to do is sleep with me.


Today he asked me if i wanted to sleep with him and if his body temps me? I have neer met him before. I said no thank you i am ready to man a nice because i've had enough of sleeping around then he had a cheek to say i wasn't hot enough for him away. What is that all about?


He said good bye then i blocked him.


You need a thick skin if you're going to chat with strangers you are interested in dating. When I met men through on line dating sites, at the first hint of sexual conversation, I blocked them - no response other than "I am not comfortable with this conversation." And, I wouldn't share the information you did - that you used to sleep around - how is that his business??

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I'm tooooooooooooooooooooooo angry! Thought i'd share it with you and maybe you can tell me what the hell is wrong with men nowadays.


Been talking to this guy that i met on a dating date. Then we started talking on MSN on and off. All his been trying to do is sleep with me.


Today he asked me if i wanted to sleep with him and if his body temps me? I have neer met him before. I said no thank you i am ready to man a nice because i've had enough of sleeping around then he had a cheek to say i wasn't hot enough for him away. What is that all about?


He said good bye then i blocked him.


It's unfortunate that there are a lot of guys out there that just want sex. Conversely, there are a lot of other very decent men out there, like most of the guys on this forum.


The problem is, the guys like the one you describe in your OP are very confident, so can always get girls.

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Really strange. If a man doesn't 'progress', the ladies will post left, right and centre complaining: "Help, where is this relationship going?...; Does he only want me as a friend?..; Confused about b/f...." etc. Perhaps this guy was too direct, but honestly what's a guy got to do? I hope you were not expecting him to say something like, "Hey' when can we meet so that I can check out your flower collection, ...and while we're at it I could give you some interior decor tips...".

I hope you get my point. When you sign up to a dating site, you set yourself up for things like this and as somebody has already alluded, you need to have a thick skin. When he mentioned that you weren't hot enough anyway, he might have been saying it sarcastically without any malicious intentions. The truth is that sarcasm often doesn't come out right when its written. Just my opinion.

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