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can't get others to love me until I love myself?


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They say you can't get others to love you if you don't love yourself. Well I don't love myself but I don't walk around showing it, I hide it. So I appear to love myself I should get girls then right? Wrong. Because they don't know that I'm just a poseur putting on a act. So what's up with that then??? Aggghh, so very frustrated....

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I don't think just the appearance of you loving yourself will attract girls.... I think it's a combination of many things, i.e. being friendly, smiling, and being genuine. Being yourself is key, so maybe that's the problem you're having..? You might try to analyze why you do not love yourself (I need to do more of this myself but my issues are with my childhood).....and move on from there. That is the root of this problem you're having, I think. Just my opinion.... hope this helps some.


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I think the whole loving yourself thing is just one of the qualities that people find attractive. Perhaps they can tell when someone is just putting on a facade. Being genuine and sincere is also very important I think. I also believe that you can't really love someone unless you love yourself. So maybe you should try loving yourself for real instead of pretending...

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Well you don't like your self why? That is the first and bigger problem as I see it. Alot of people don't like them selves and unfortunately have very active social lives. Ussually with people who treat them badly and take advantage of them. Don't worry about us women one of us if not 3 or 4 or 10 will come around. We have this predominate group that is obsessed with helping others and making others feel good about them selves. Why cause it feels good. Then again you may be looking at the wrong women. If you don't mind me asking what is it about yourself that you don't like?

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What I don't like about my self..... well let's go... I'm not the most handsome guy out their, I have a crappy job, not a funny guy either, tend to be a regular Mr. short fuse, need a tan, need to be more muscular, not very social even though I want to be... am that's about it I think. That's all just off the top of my head.



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Johnny, Johnny, Johnny,


It's SO easy for us to list off the things we DON'T like about ourselves.... but most of the things you mentioned, you can change yourself if you truly are unhappy with them. Think about it, you can apply for a better job, you can get a different haircut, change your look, go to the tanning bed, you can work out, etc. etc. And those things are fine if they make you feel better about yourself. How about thinking about what you DO like about yourself? Anything at all, just think about those good qualities because we are what we think. As you think, so you shall become. Never underestimate the power of thoughts. They are energy that you put out into the world and they make things happen. If we all think about that, every single thing around us is a result of thought. ....


Hope this helps some.


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Johnny Princess is right. I know I don't like my hair as long as it is so I am going to cut about 6 inches off and send them to locks for love.(its a group that makes wigs for kids with cancer) I had a medical problem all better now but during that time I went from 129 Lbs to 220 in the first 6 months. I hated it I still am not where i was but I am working on it. Any way my point is I may not be what I want to be but there is a certain satifaction in the getting there. Try something little first, once you succeed (and there is a possibility that you will have to try more than once) you will find your stronger and better than you think.

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I don't think being muscular as anything to do with it. You know, girls tell me I'm very handsome, I workout A LOT, and I even have a tan. I'm also funny. If only it was that simple, only it's not. I still feel insecure around others. But I know why, I'm ashamed of some part of my past.


This being said look somewhere else, the answer isn't there. Should you get muscled or tanned or whatever, it's going to be something else.


Fat D.

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