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When should you leave a part-time job/internship?

Double J

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If you've been working as a part time/intern at the same place for over a year now and you suddenly realize that you've pretty much been doing the same stuff since you started... not much direction/mentoring from people within the company (everyone always seems too busy).... You ask for new roles/responsibilities but they balk because you're part-time and don't want to have you participate in bigger, more time-consuming projects. The guys that you report to now are always busy and don't give you much attention (and sometimes don't pay much attention to your work). You feel lost (ever since your supervisor left the company over the summer/the girl that trained you got moved to a different account) and don't feel a sense of guidance within the company anymore....




You get paid well and the company is very big and well-known... they're also very flexible with your school hours (partly because they don't really care)


Overall point: you're not learning anything new


1. Do you leave the company ASAP?

2. Find another job as well-paying/flexible before you go

3. Stick it out to see what happens (despite that you might have to do the same stuff for months and months more)


? Thanks

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I agree with syrix.


And before you leave your current occuptation, look for other possibilities.

Perhaps even apply for something, that way you can go straight into a new, exciting work knowing you've actually got the job.


You certainly don't want to be someone who quits a job then applying for a new one only to be turned down.

That recently happened to my sister, poor thing.

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My brother was like how you were, he had a paid internship and he did the same thing day in and day out. He was looking at other jobs in his field. One day he got a phone call from them that a higher position had opened up and they were impressed with his work ethic and they gave him his earned position. Sometimes you are stuck and it seems like no one is paying attention to how you work, however, sometimes things go well.


If you end up quitting this job, after you have found a new one, as Syrix said it will look great on your resume.


Hope things get better for you.

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Is there anyone else within the company you can talk to? From my personal experience you have to be very aggressive and explain that you want more responsibility. But if you're not getting the learning experience you want, look for another position because in the end you probably want to get a full-time offer right?


Try speaking with someone in HR or college recruiting, good luck

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