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Interviewing for 2 openings with the same company!!!


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Hey guys,


So I have 2 interviews for 2 different openings in the same company this week...Ethically, should I mention to each of them that I am also interviewing with the other department?


If they ask me, I would mention that for sure...but if they don't then am I obligated to say that? And how do I mention nicely??


Thanks u guys!!!


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In most places there are rules that forbid a prospective employer, even a present one, from asking if you are interviewing for a new job.


There are? I've never heard of such a thing. It's a very standard question when interviewing somebody to ask if they are interviewing for other jobs as well.


Internal policies at some comanies require you to tell your manager if you're interviewing elsewhere in the same company. However, I've never seen anything forbidding a manager to ask one of his/her employees if they're interviewing with intent to leave the company. They generally don't unless the manager knows there is a personel issue.


To addess the initial question I'd personally see no issue with telling each of the interviewers that you're looking at different positions in the company.

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No, I wouldn't tell them unless they ask you specifically if you are also interviewing for another position within that company. In my past interviews I did have a few companies that asked me if I was interviewing else where and I've always told the truth, but I didn't tell them specifically what other companies I was interviewing for.

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I recently did the same thing, interviewed for 2 different floors in the same hospital. I didn't mention it to either, but they found out on their own through HR.


I don't think it's any of the opposite department's business, but if they ask you I would not lie, there's a chance they may find out anyway. (I wasn't asked so I didn't tell and I got one of the jobs.)

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I don't think it's any of the opposite department's business, but if they ask you I would not lie, there's a chance they may find out anyway. (I wasn't asked so I didn't tell and I got one of the jobs.)


Well done on the job!

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