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I used to do masturbation..


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Hello ,


I used to do masturbation once in a week.. I dont know whether this will make any problem when I will have sex with my gf..


the problem is when i do masturbation within 5 sec sperm will come out.. is there any way to increase my time to sperm come out..



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Hi John - if you're asking for real - I would suggest doing it more often to build your tolerance. Once a week is not often at all for a guy to masturbate.


And I've have never known masturbation to interfere with sex with a partner - unless you do it like, an hour before you're going to have sex.....

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Hello Friends,


I reached orgasm with in 5 secs.. if any exercise will help me out imcrease my time to reach my orgasm.. Becuase i am worry about happy sex with my gf... So far we have not have sex.. with in 3 weeks we will have sex.. By that if i reach orgasm with in 5 sec.. My GF will not come back to have sex with me right..


i want to make my gf orgasm..



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How old are you? Because it might just come with age. If you are still younger then you can have pre-mature orgasms. I don't that there is much you can do for it though, other than try to hold it back. Which is hard. Trust me I know.

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You say you want your girlfriend to orgasm. If you're worried about cumming too quickly, why not try pleasuring her first either manually or orally? That way, even if you DO ejaculate quickly, she will still be sexually satisfied and you won't seem selfish.

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John - we are saying that you MAY need to masturbate MORE often.


More masturbation IS the reccommended excercise.


If the thing NEVER gets touched, when it does, its going to be soooo happy, it'll orgasm right away. You need to build up a tolerance, so to speak.


Touch it more....

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