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Rings - is it something that you notice


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Ok I was thinking about this this morning and I was curious to what you all do/think.


Men do you look to see if a woman is wearing a ring on her ring finger on her left hand?


Women do you look to see if the man is wearing a ring on his finger on his left hand?


In a world where lots of times even married couples dont wear rings, do you look at the hand as an indicator to whether someone is taken?

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Yes, I agree with Locke. I always look, but looking is just like looking at the way they dress, their ways of speaking. It all adds to your evaluation of the person and where they are in life. It helps you to be able to pitch conversations.

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My boyfriend says before when he was dating he always did; and I did too because at this age you tend to run accross more and more married persons than when we were much younger.


Not everyone wears a ring of course depending on their job, or preferences, or allergies (though one couple I know wears jade rings as he is allergic to metals), but most whom are married do.


Not having one does not mean they are not attached or married though! For that, you generally need to ask and hopefully they are honest about it!

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It's interesting, for as long as I can remember I've worn two rings, one on my right 4th finger (college ring) and another on my left 4th which was a present from my mother. I had a guy friend tell me once that gold rings on the left 4th fingers were like man repellent Can't bring myself to take 'em off though, cause I feel naked without them.

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It's very rare for me to specifically look for a ring on someone's finger...I've only consciously done it a handful of times. Usually when I do look, it's not to find out whether or not that particular man is taken, but to see how many men wear their wedding bands. I guess it's a way to reassure myself that it's perfectly okay to NOT wear one (because I won't, and if I don't, I don't expect my husband to).

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I check for a wedding ring, even though I know a lot of men don't wear them. Just curiosity I suppose as it would never enter my head to hit on anyone else given the fact I am married. My husband never checks for a wedding ring. Probably too busy looking at their other assets.


He wore his wedding ring for the first few years after we were married and then all of a sudden it came off. I now realise he didn't want anyone (well I suppose females actually) to know he was married. I was hurt by this as I had never forced him to wear a ring and he wanted to buy one. After quite a few years of him not wearing it I finally asked him to. It made me feel that our marriage was not a priority for him and that he was looking elsewhere. He now wears it, but the I have to laugh as he takes it off if he gets angry with me. Soooooo childish.

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