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In a lot of the sex threads I see people recommending lube... an awful lot


May I ask why does everyone think that lube is essential? Sure, it can add a bit of extra slickness every now and then, but I dont know anyone who uses it regularly.


Arent you supposed to go see the doctor if you are needing to use lube all the time?

(not counting post-menopause and things of course)


We ladies are naturally supposed to be able to accommodate a penis... I mean, if we can have babies, a guys tackle shouldnt be a problem!!

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Well, I hardly think that people on this forum represent an accurate random sample of everyone's sex life everywhere in the world. Some people need it, some people don't. I think it's a wonderful invention that should be taken advantage of. My girlfriend thinks we need it, so we need it. It's not a problem, it's just making sex a lot more easier and enjoyable.

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Yeah... the HUGE thing is a bit of a conundrumn hence the time I used it for an experiement... but I found if we just spent a bit more time fooling about...


and yes... anal... I wasnt going to bring that up, but I have used lube-a-plenty in that area (my ex had a fetish)

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I am quite new in the wonderful world of sex. Me and my g/f were both virgins, so when we thought we were near our first time, we bought condoms and lube. The first time(my home) we used a little (We didnt know how much we should use). Second time (her home, didnt have lube), we didnt use, and she told me that she doesnt think we need anymore. So we continued doing it without lube, and that's how it is today... we used it only on the first time... I really cant say if it improved something or not... maybe we didnt use enough....

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I've never "had" to use it.

(except for anal)


But, just for fun i've

tried the kind that warms up and the flavored ones...


How much lube should be used? A little drop? Half a bottle?


Just a few drops should do the trick.

Too much and it's a huge mess.

You should be able to feel it...and know.

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the only times I've ever used lube:


1. Anal sex- it didn't help the pain factor AT ALL and I haven't done it since

2. When I've been drinking, because alcohol makes me really dry down there.


Other than that, I prefer it to be a little drier than most. I find the extra friction gives me more pleasure. When I do lots of foreplay, I get really wet and I can barely feel anything. That's why I LOVE quickies.

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I naturally lubricate quite well, but lube tends to make it longer lasting and glide smoother, which can be important depending on the size, the women herself and if you are doing anal since you do not naturally lubricate there. I don't HAVE to use it except for anal, but that does not mean that I may not want to use it sometimes. When I was on the pill I tended to be drier for example and liked to use it a bit more.


For vaginal intercourse you should only need to use a drop or two.


I actually started using it from time to time when I read that it also increased chances of multiple orgasms (and it did!) by allowing you to in general have more lubrication for a longer period of time.


Also, when using condoms lubrication is HIGHLY recommended (as long as it is latex safe) as it prevents risk of breakage.



I don't use it all the time, but sometimes we do (we like the warming stuff too as it increases blood flow even more).


It is often recommended as there are people whom do not lubricate enough; this can be due to their own hormones, where they are in their cycle, due to hormonal birth control, medication (i.e. even cold medications can cause you to be drier) and so forth. For those whom are also incredibly nervous, the sexual response system may be slower and not allow for lubrication.


I don't think it is fair to say that if you use lubrication, there is something "wrong" because every woman is different and not all women lubricate as much due to many factors. Obviously if you NEVER lubricate than you should talk to your doctor, but advising someone to use it in threads is often based on the fact they have NOT tried, are complaining it feels raw/sore and so forth and it may be easily solved by trying to use lube and see if it improves things. If you anticipate it will be painful, you tend to be even more nervous and tighten up and be more dry, so using lube can help get over these initial hurdles.

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Well I found that I either have too much natural lubricant or not enough.


We are going to get into "too much information" land here, but I wanted to be in the record here in case there are other people reading and they think they are freaks for not getting lubed naturally.


In the early days of of dating my husband (and before that) I had too much natural lubrication. My Bartholins Glands went into overdrive, and also became very painful. For the first 8 months or so, the glands became very swollen to the point where I could not have sex.


Somehow, my body learned its lesson. I stopped producing so much lube and my glands are happy. We use pjure (I think that's what it's called), and I use gallons of it. We use it every time, and now I can also have sex much more often. I have no idea why I have stopped naturally lubricating but am just happy I don't seem to have to go to hospital again for a Bartholin's Gland cyst. Ouch.

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Considering that women will only lubricate during the "excitement" stage of sex, after that she will stop producing lubrication. If you engage in sex sans condoms, then I doubt that you will have issues with lubrication because pre ejaculate is also lubricating the vagina after she has stopped producing lubrication.. However when you have sex with condoms the pre ejacuate is not going to lubricate so her lube is all that is going to be produced. If sexual activity is prolonged then she is going to get dry and lube is going to be needed.

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Using condoms we always have to use lube. She can get massively turned on, all is good and well without condoms, but anything past 2 or 3 minutes with a condom and I can pull out and it's literally dry to the touch. It was a real PITA when we first started having sex and she didn't want to even start without a condom, and we wanted to have a quickie when we wern't at home.

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Considering that women will only lubricate during the "excitement" stage of sex, after that she will stop producing lubrication. If you engage in sex sans condoms, then I doubt that you will have issues with lubrication because pre ejaculate is also lubricating the vagina after she has stopped producing lubrication.. However when you have sex with condoms the pre ejacuate is not going to lubricate so her lube is all that is going to be produced. If sexual activity is prolonged then she is going to get dry and lube is going to be needed.


How exactly does the "excitment" stage stop? Sex should stop anyway if both parties arent getting into it, thats how the dreaded resentment starts otherwise.


I dont know, maybe my sex life is different to most. If I start cooling down (which is rare) then we stop actual intercourse for a while and fool about, just picking up the foreplay where we left off.

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How exactly does the "excitment" stage stop? Sex should stop anyway if both parties arent getting into it, thats how the dreaded resentment starts otherwise.


I dont know, maybe my sex life is different to most. If I start cooling down (which is rare) then we stop actual intercourse for a while and fool about, just picking up the foreplay where we left off.


the "excitement stage" is one of the four stages of the Masters and Johnson's four-phase model of sexual response. It doesn't mean you're NOT excited through the entire act - it's just describing the first part. The stages are as follows:



-uterus elevates

-vaginal lubrication appears

-clitoris engorges with blood

-labia minora and majora swell



-uterus elevates further

-upper part of vagina expands

-vaginal wall forms orgasmic platform

-color of labia deepens

-clitoris withdraws under clitoral hood



-contractions in uterus

-rhythmic contractions in vagina

-rectal sphincter contracts



-uterus lowers

-orgasmic platform disappears

-vagina returns to normal

-clitoris returns to unaroused position


(Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America , 5th Ed., Strong et. al. 2005. pp. 99, Figure 3.9: Masters and Jonson Stages of Female Sexual Response.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
In a lot of the sex threads I see people recommending lube... an awful lot


May I ask why does everyone think that lube is essential? Sure, it can add a bit of extra slickness every now and then, but I dont know anyone who uses it regularly.


Arent you supposed to go see the doctor if you are needing to use lube all the time?

(not counting post-menopause and things of course)


We ladies are naturally supposed to be able to accommodate a penis... I mean, if we can have babies, a guys tackle shouldnt be a problem!!



I dont need lube, I find it odd when women say they use it nearly all the time, the only time I use it is for my rabbit, and if we feel like anal. any other time, i wish i needed lube, because sometime I can be too slippery and it's a little dangerous

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I dont need lube, I find it odd when women say they use it nearly all the time, the only time I use it is for my rabbit, and if we feel like anal. any other time, i wish i needed lube, because sometime I can be too slippery and it's a little dangerous


Amen. I don't even need lube when using toys. This is the reason I can't enjoy the wonders of going commando.

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Amen. I don't even need lube when using toys. This is the reason I can't enjoy the wonders of going commando.




yeah, if I am around Macca I HAVE to wear panties, we walked to the supermarket and back and I wasnt wearing anything under my clean jeans... STRAIGHT back into the wash when I got home

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