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A change in me or a sign of growing up?


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Lately I've noticed that I really enjoy being alone. This year I've lived alone for the first time and I absolutely love it. I don't think I could ever have a roommate again except for my boyfriend. I feel like I have to force myself to be social because most of the time, I'd rather be in my apartment doing my own thing. I'll go out or have someone over and I find myself counting down to when I can go home. During lunch at my internship, I'm completely happy sitting at my desk reading while I eat or waiting until everyone else has eaten so I can go to the break room and be left alone. I love the people that I work with, but sometimes I just want to eat in peace I guess.


The thing is, I was not like this at all before. I could be by myself and be fine but I was so social. I loved going out with my friends and was never in a rush to leave. I don't know if this is part of growing older or just a change within myself that has to do with where I am in my life. Has anyone else experienced this?

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Being alone is brilliant.


I honestly do love it, simply because I get to enjoy myself and not have to worry about anyone elses needs or points of view.

I balance out alone time with social time though because despite enjoying being alone, other people truly interest me and there's only so much you can discover about yourself.

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I cherish my alone time. I don't get enough of it because my schedule is so full that all my free time is spent keeping my friendships up to date, which is as high a priority as me-time. For now, me-time is confined to right before bed & in the shower... I used to have a ton more. *sad face* lol But I used to feel like being around people all the time, maybe to boost my self confidence with the feeling that I had a lot of friends? Anyway, I'm babbling, but the point is that I think it is a positive change to find yourself comfortable with just... yourself!

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You sound a lot like me. I've always been a loner though. I'm an only child and I never had many friends until the last couple of years. The only close friend i had for a long time was my best friend.

I never felt bad about liking to be alone until i started working my recent job. It seems like everyone in so social all the time. They chat with people all day. They always need someone to go to lunch with. My two friends get bummed when they have to take the bus home alone. I actually pay extra to take regional rail so i can be alone for half my commute. I love being cool with doing things alone. I don't feel like having to be "on" all the time. At lunch when it's warm i would go and sit out in the parking lot with a book and eat my lunch. Now that it's cold i'll wait until everyone already went to lunch to go either take a nap in the cafeteria or to sit and eat quietly and read the paper.


I really enjoy my alone time. I go out alone a lot too and have a good time. I could just get up and go whenever the mood struck me without having to deal with other peoples schedules or other issues. I meet cool people and don't have to worry about what everyone else wants to do like when i go out with a group. If i go out with friends I prefer to go out with no more than one or two people. When it's warm i like to go out and do things by myself like take walks, go to the museum or the library. I used to go to the park and people watch almost every day just to clear my head. It's great. When people say "Oh that's sad. Don't you have any friends?" I tell them that it's not sad and that yeah i have friends but sometimes i just don't feel like being bothered.


I feel like there's a lot of pressure on people to hang out in groups all the time. People seem to see people who like to do things alone as freaks or antisocial.

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I love living on my own - I could not live with room mates again; I love having my own bathroom, my own kitchen, my own everything! And I'm very sociable, but I love having my own space.


I think it's a sign of growing up - enjoy. Also maybe having the money to be abe to finally live on your own at last!

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It's good to know I'm not the only one. It was just weird to see that change in myself. I mean I'm still social. I'm friends with a ton of people at school and my internship. I just don't feel that need to always be doing something social anymore. I still feel that societal pressure to have plans for Friday and Saturday night though, even when I really don't want to do anything.


Honey Pumpkin...I agree except for the being able to afford living on my own part. I'm extremely lucky and spoiled in that my parents saved up enough money for me for college that I've never taken out loans (I contribute with scholarships) and it pays for my living costs. I'm still dependent...but only for a few more months. Hopefully I'll have a job after I graduate and then I can have that great feeling of being self-sufficient.

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