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And I condomed his car!

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Yeah, so I've posted about the guy I was dating that told me he could have sex with me without a condom "if he wanted to" and when I asked him about it later said that he was just expressing confidence in himself that if he wanted something he'd get it, he'd just tell me whatever to convince me to have sex with him without a condom. It wasn't like he'd rape me or anything. Hah.


We are still going to the same yoga class. I refuse to change yoga studios, it's close to my house, my friends go there, I love the teacher, it's fits in with my insane schedule. And it really sucks that he's there, especially when he was hitting on this girl last week knowing fully well I would see it, and looking at me to see if I noticed. So this week, he was there. She was there too, but apparently not talking to him. I think she figured out he is a dog. I'm glad for her, I think eventually she and I will become friends. Just give it some time.


So after class, I went to his car and put about 14 condoms on his windshield with tape and then took off without sticking around to see. Hahaha. I really hope it is kind of humilliating peeling them off in front of other people. Hahaha, I know people on here will criticize me for this but I think it's hilarious!!!

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Well for whatever reason you got that out of your system, but from now on, it will be more powerful if you choose NOT to give him an ounce of your energy, anger, or attention. HE is in FACT a creep... and yes I'm sure the "other girl" in class if she has any self respect, actually did figure out he's a dog... he has NO class, he's "disrespectful to woman", and it's so creepy that he actually thinks it's "confident or sexy" to say to a woman, "I could make you do something"..ugh.... and having sex without a codomn with him would be like playing russian roulette... I can't imagine how creepy a guy has to be in order to jeopordize a woman's health in order for HIM to "feel" confident...YUK... STAY AWAY FROM HIM.... and even if you do like your yoga class, why not change the time that you go.. or something.. if not, then just make sure to completely "ignore this guy" that is the ONLY self empowering thing to do from now on.. and it will drive that ego maniac, disrespecting jerk crazy... He's one of those guys that feels empowered when he makes a woman "uneasy' around him... YUK, YUK, YUK....


It's time for YOU to take a good look at yourself, and ask yourself "why" you are still trying to be in this guy's life even if in an 'unhealthy resentful" way...

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I don't get the joke I guess. To any observers present wouldn't it just look like some weirdo had dumped vile trash on a random person's car?


He'll probably know you did it (unless he talks to every woman like that). Given that he's already threatened to do something sexually to you against your will perhaps this prank of yours might only escalate things.

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Trust the FACT that you are NOT the only woman this guy has said this to... he's a dangerous, insecure, creepy, lousy..well you get the picture.., and thank god you ARE AWARE of who he REALLY IS, and be thankful that you are no longer dating him, and take sometime to ask yourself "why" you even considered dating him in the first place... he's NOT worthy of ANY WOMAN.. he's just not... and next time you see him talking to another woman, don't get "jealous or angry" just say a prayer for HER.

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Yeah, I kinda did something like that to an ex bf.

He always parked his car on main street when he was at work...SO...I put a huge maxi-pad on his license plate (covered most of it) so that every car going down the street would see it...not to mention the cops who couldn't read his tag number.

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Ok Aqua,


This is getting WAY out of hand and you are looking more and more like an unstable stalker.


You already screamed at him when he was with another girl from your yoga class, AFTER you broke it of with him because he told you he wasn't interested in commiting to you.


You are really over stepping your limits now. If he wanted he could call the police and have you charged with vandalism of property.


Don't you think the best thing is to let this go and be the bigger person?

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What you certainly accomplished is him knowing that you invested time and effort into getting revenge which means of course that you still think of him a lot. He wins in this case in the sense that his ego is fed by knowing that you apparently have nothing better to do than figure out ways to "get back at him."


To me, sweet revenge is running into someone who acted like a jerk in a situation where the jerk can see that I am doing fine if not great. It doesn't hurt if I'm with a new boyfriend of course.

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I have to agree that whilst very funny, it does seem like you may be fueling his ego a tiny bit! In fact, it sounds more like flirting in many ways - best is just to stop any contact with him, he's not important (unless of course you still fancy him!! But he sounds like a jerk ...).

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I think "batya" is giving you a thoughtful perspective on all this... it's time for YOU to make a choice to "grow past' this guy... there is NO self respecting reason to be interested in him, or to give him any more of your energy. STAY AWAY, have the self respect, courage, and class to even change your yoga class so you do not have to see him anymore... you seem a bit too "emotionally vulnerable" when it comes to this guy..and it would be very wise to step back and ask yourself "why"... because if you don't make a choice to learn about yourself through all this, you will most likely be drawn to another man who lacks respect for woman.

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So after class, I went to his car and put about 14 condoms on his windshield with tape and then took off without sticking around to see. Hahaha. I really hope it is kind of humilliating peeling them off in front of other people. Hahaha, I know people on here will criticize me for this but I think it's hilarious!!!


What class was this again? The one between lunch and recess?


I'm sorry, but there is no redeeming nature in what you did and more so your reaction to it after the fact.


You've got some issues to address before getting into another relationship I'd say. If you want to look into these and make some changes for the future, I think we can certainly help you out with that.

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Do you find it a bit ironic that you reacted like that because of a man you know from yoga class? I know in my yoga class, we work on eliminating negative emotions like anger and jealousy through the poses. Would your yoga instructor approve of "condoming" of the car?


I don't really find that it was funny. More strange and disturbing. I wonder what passerbys thought about you putting condoms on his car? It seems like a teenage prank, not something a yogi would be doing. I believe that the best revenge is living well. Like having him see you on the street, laughing and smiling with your new boyfriend. Wouldn't that be more satisfying than putting garbage on his car?


I think that it's time to put an end to this behavior. the relationship didn't work out, it's ok, move on. if he wants to meet new women in the class, it is his perogative, he isn't with you anymore, so he isn't cheating. I think you should apologize to him and find a new yoga class to attend. Preferably one with emphasis on emotional management.

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Why is everybody so against what she did? She had a beef with him because he treated her like a louse and was still being a jerk to her. Yeah, so what, she condomed his car. It wasn't like she went and ruined his paint job or keyed his car. It helped her to release some of her anger and frustration. Yeah, he'll look sheepish and stupid and embarrassed when HE has to remove those things off his car, but hey, he was the louse, he deserved what he got coming to him.


Although, now that you've done this and made him look stupid, it's time to move on and be the bigger person and ignore him at yoga.

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Is condomed even a word?


I say good for you if it made you feel better. I probably wouldn't have done it because I wouldn't have wanted to spend $7 on condoms for that purpose, but if you had them lying around, then why not? I just hope he doesn't try and get back at you somehow.

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Why is everybody so against what she did? She had a beef with him because he treated her like a louse and was still being a jerk to her. Yeah, so what, she condomed his car. It wasn't like she went and ruined his paint job or keyed his car. It helped her to release some of her anger and frustration. Yeah, he'll look sheepish and stupid and embarrassed when HE has to remove those things off his car, but hey, he was the louse, he deserved what he got coming to him.


Although, now that you've done this and made him look stupid, it's time to move on and be the bigger person and ignore him at yoga.


Is condomed even a word?


I say good for you if it made you feel better. I probably wouldn't have done it because I wouldn't have wanted to spend $7 on condoms for that purpose, but if you had them lying around, then why not? I just hope he doesn't try and get back at you somehow.


I agree with these gals. Though I myself wouldn't have done it, I still view it as harmless fun, and perhaps even necessary exposure.


Pseudo-yogi-spiritual schmucks are the absolute worst!!!

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Why is everybody so against what she did? She had a beef with him because he treated her like a louse and was still being a jerk to her. Yeah, so what, she condomed his car. It wasn't like she went and ruined his paint job or keyed his car. It helped her to release some of her anger and frustration. Yeah, he'll look sheepish and stupid and embarrassed when HE has to remove those things off his car, but hey, he was the louse, he deserved what he got coming to him.


Although, now that you've done this and made him look stupid, it's time to move on and be the bigger person and ignore him at yoga.


um, so if someone put condoms all over your car, you wouldn't care? sure, it's not like she egged his car, but wouldn't you think the person is rather immature? I don't think she made him look stupid at all.


Personally, I don't see what this guy has done that makes him such a jerk. They dated, he didn't want a serious relationship, so she broke up with him. And then he started flirting with a new woman. why not? he's single and she broke up with him. And she has started yelling and really crossing the line.


It's just really really ironic to me that she attends yoga class, but decides to release her anger and frustration with a stupid prank. I mean, yoga is all about centering yourself, finding balance, becoming the best person you can be, and releasing negative emotions.


I mean, what would you think of someone who went to church on sunday, and right as soon as the service was let out, she went and egged someone's car in the parking lot?

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It just seems very juvenile behaviour to me.


She is giving him the satisfaction of knowing that he got to her, that he's still getting to her. She is an adult woman... aren't we past this sort of stuff? (like say, around our middle/high school years?) Vandalizing someone's car is not funny, and not legal.


I just don't see the point.


Plus, to an extent she saw this coming.... the guy may have behaved like a jerk but what she did put herself right down on his level.


It's a shame she chose to go that route instead of getting her revenge by living well without him.

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